Sunday 10 November 2019

Curling Season Begins! (Oct.28, 2019)

It's Monday!!!

Weigh in reflected the choices I've been making lately.
Up a little - will I ever conquer the scale?

They ordered in subs for lunch for a meeting and there was plenty so I had one and worked through lunch.
It was so miserable and cold out I didn't want to have to go out into it anyway.

Curling season started back up tonight.
It seems like it always starts on the coldest night possible and I just don't want to go.
Go I did though.

It was good to catch up with my team-mates.
One of them is actually my neighbour but I barely see her all year long.
Isn't that weird?

We were yellow so you can see by the score that we were playing terribly.
We even considered giving up at one point but then thought we might as well play through if only for practice.
Then somehow in the last end, we tied it up.
Not sure we deserved it but guess it goes to show that you should never give up.

I got pretty warmed up during the game to the point where I was even sweating so then when I went out into the cold I felt it more keenly.
I got a chill that I just could not shake.

My Honey had my heating pad on in the bed for me but even with it, I still needed him to bear hug me to get me warmed up.
I was almost considering getting up and having a bath but I did eventually warm up and drift off to sleep.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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