Monday 11 November 2019

Evening with the Kiddos (Nov.8, 2019)

Still staying on track with my eating.
Feeling good about it.

I had to spend the morning running my month end reports and doing payroll so I wasn't able to get back to my project until the afternoon.
I worked really hard on it but just didn't get it done.
Just about there though.

For lunch I had a chicken breast and veggies.
It looks plain but you know, I could eat this every day.

My brother's truck is fixed and ready to pick up in the city so he asked if I could watch the kids while they went in to pick it up.
He dropped them off down at the office to me and they thought that was just great - I took them for a tour.

Then on the way home, I dropped Miss A off at dance and Mr. H and I went on to the store.

He just had to have some chocolate milk - he loves the stuff.
As soon as we got to the house, he found a project to do.

Painting little sun catchers.
His mom said that lately he's been super into doing crafts of any kind.

Just being silly now.

Miss A was ready to be picked up in an hour and I didn't think to pick her up a chocolate milk too so I made her some instead.
She shared her brother's a bit too.

He found a play drill and he was pretending it was a gun and he was going around shooting all the 'bad guys'.

I wanted her to smile for a picture, this is what I got.

Then this 😝😝😝

I made a sad supper.
Mr H wanted the smiley fries and I had these really good chicken nuggets but I overcooked them waaaay too much.

They were almost too crisp for the kids to eat.

Ha ha - at least the smiley fries were good.

When My Honey got home, he and the kids made block towers.

They were building together at first.

Then they decided to make it into a contest to see who could make the tallest one before it toppled over.

Miss A just might win, she had quite a sturdy looking base there.

We never really found out who won because they kept knocking each other's towers over.

It was after 10 when my brother came back to pick them up.
I would have just let them stay the night but My Honey had to work in the morning and I was heading to the city to go for SV's birthday dinner trip with the girls.

My niece sent me this project she found that she wants to make.
I think it looks easy to do and it's pretty.
We'll definitely have to give it a go.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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