Sunday 3 November 2019

Halloween Tickle Trunk (Oct.14, 2019)

I woke up again when My Honey was heading out to work so I just got up.
I actually like getting up early on my days off - feels like I have a longer day to enjoy.
I made a coffee then put on an episode of Carnival Row to watch.
My Honey decided he isn't really interested in that one so looks like I'll be watching it on my own.
I finished up some laundry then I did some painting.

I'm really digging the snowmen right now and I'm happy with how they turned out.
I took a break from painting and crafting and found a movie to watch

Tell It To The Bees
It was ok.

I spent a lot of time figuring out how to make a re-usable stencil on the Cricut Maker - it was very time consuming but I got it figured and made a couple.
I wanted to put just a snowflake on a piece of wood.
I did two but one of them ended up bleeding through a lot so I scrapped it.

One turned out not too bad though.
I think I'll try again.

I had invited my son and his family over for supper and I didn't know what to make.
I had some chicken breast so I googled recipes and found this one.

I had most of the ingredients except the sour cream so I took a quick trip to the store to get some.

I got it into the oven then worked on my blog until they came over.

They brought Miss Z with them.

The casserole turned out really well, I think I'd make it again, maybe with a few tweaks.

Baby F enjoyed it - she doesn't seem to be fussy at all when it comes to food.

Sharing her bun with her Daddy.

She does make some funny faces though.

Baby F has a thing for glasses and she found a pair of My Honey's old ones.

She was trying really hard to put them on.

Ha ha - good thing they are old ones!

After we ate, we went down stairs and my son helped me dig out the container of Halloween costumes that I have.
They are going to a Halloween dance at the end of the month and need costumes.
We all had fun trying stuff on.
I'd forgotten I had all of this stuff.

Miss Z would try stuff, get me to take her picture then ask me to send it to her mom.
Ha ha - I did send a couple - they were pretty cute.

I thought this wig looked great on my son, especially with the glasses, reminded me of Wayne from Wayne's World.
I was convinced that he should wear it.

Then he tried on this wig and we all realized that this one was the winner, hands down!

Long hair kind of suits him.

Miss Z was right in there trying on wigs too.

Look at the face Baby F is making - ha ha, cracks me up.

She wanted to be right in there too for the pictures - not so much for the wigs on her head though.
We tried but she wouldn't keep one on.

Dressing up is so fun.

My Honey got home in the midst of all the fun and Baby F was drawn right to him.
He got the blocks out for them to play with.

I'm glad they were still there because I know he was wanting to see her.
They left around 8 and My Honey and I watched some tv before hitting the hay.
Back to the grind tomorrow.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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