Saturday 23 November 2019

Fundraising Begins! (Nov.18, 2019)

It was so nice and mild out this morning that I didn't even have to let the truck warm up.
If only the whole winter could be like this!

I weighed in when I got to work.
I wasn't thrill to see that I'd gone up.
I did really well all week, just wasn't as strict on the weekend but I still stayed in control.
Guess it just shows that it's not enough, I have to be very diligent about this.

On Friday after I left, the other girls got most of the Christmas decorations put up in the office.
I told them to leave a few things for me so they did and I got those things put up first thing.
It looks pretty good in here.

I spent a lot of my day at work preparing for fundraisers.
We raise money each year to donate to the local Adopt-a-Family program and we've left our fundraising a little late this year so I just wanted to get it all done.

We do various things including 50/50's, raffles and Guess How Many in the Jar?

I counted up all the candy and got it into a jar.
The jar was only about half full so I'll have to get more.

I left a bit early for lunch so I could stop at the Hardware for some finishing wax.
I want to put it on the crate I made which is going to be for the raffle.
I also picked up a few things to put in the crate.

When I got home, I took my last stencil off the crate, there were lots of little pieces so it took me a bit of time.

I gave it a good sanding all over.
Then I dusted it off and applied a coat of the wax.
I would have liked the antiquing wax but they didn't have any here in town.

I'm still loving how the crate turned out though.
I think if I do another that I'll just do the stencil on the two full ends and I think I prefer the side that I didn't used different colors.

Hard to believe it started out like this.

I stopped at the grocery store on the way back to get some food to put in the crate for the raffle and some more candies for the jar.

When I got back to work, I got the crate filled up and got the raffle tickets ready to go.

I added a couple of the trees that I made and I'm going to add one of my snowmen I painted too.

I also finished up the jar of candies.

It's still not entirely full but that's ok, it will still be a pretty good prize to win.
Doing all of this really took up most of my day but I'm glad that it's done.

While I was busy at work all day, My Honey was home working on this.
He got the other two chairs built, the kiddos are just going to love this.

Now we just need to get it sanded and painted - that's the fun part.

I realized when I was decorating that a few of the bins I need are in behind a storage shelf that I have in the basement.

I just had to pull everything off of the shelf last month to get to the Halloween container I had in there.

Now I have to pull it all off again.

I was smart this time though, I took pictures of all the shelves so I'd remember where everything went so it would be much easier to put back.

It took me about an hour to get everything off, pull out the containers, then put it all back on again but I got it done.

My Honey had supper ready when I got back upstairs.
Chicken, potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.
It was yummy.

I kind of picked away at decorating tonight while watching a movie.
A Christmas Miracle

The decorating is coming, still have a ways to go but I'm getting there.

I have things up here and there, it's not quite complete yet.

I still have lots more to go up.

I just want to get it done so I can work on making some more crafty things.

Paddington found a nice comfy spot to nap.
He's just smooshed right in there.

Professor Snuggles was thinking hard about jumping onto the mantle and I had visions of everything being knocked over but he changed his mind last minute.

This picture was posted on Facebook today.
Two of my uncles are on the far left and the girl in the front center with the dark coat on is my Aunt GS.
I love the picture because of the content but I also was amazed with how nice and clear the picture is.
Often old pictures like this aren't very clear.

This made me giggle!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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