Sunday 3 November 2019

Albuquerque Day 8 - Crepes, Ramen, Potato Corner and Isotopes (Oct.8, 2019)

Well it's our last full day here in New Mexico, I sure am going to miss this lovely weather.

We soaked up the view from the balcony for a bit this morning.

Had another walk through the place too and took some pictures of some things I liked before we left, like this table.

I like the wood work at the ceiling here, it separates the bedroom area from the sink area.
I really like it.

I like the rustic look of this dresser.

And this end table too.

I'm going to miss this nice place - I'd come stay here again in a heartbeat.

One last picture before we head out.

We headed over to the Old Town area so we could explore it a bit more.
Everything was pretty much closed when we got there last night.

We found a place for breakfast first.
We decided on crepes.

We could watch him making our crepes from our table.

My Honey had the mushroom, spinach, bacon one.

I had the salmon with onions, capers and tomatoes.
Both were good - I just don't think I'm a big lover of crepes.

We went into a store that had more of the kind of dolls that I love.

I likely would have bought one but they were pretty pricey.

The stuff was beautiful though.

I love these door handles.

This door was gorgeous too.

I like the fancy details along the top of this building.

The Original Trading Post.

I like the decor around this entrance - really spiffs it up.

Burro Alley.

I wonder if burro's actually came through here at one time?

Another burro in Burro Alley - wish they had him so that he was looking the other way.

Even though the fall colors were out, there were still some flowers in bloom too.

I noticed this lovely old tree and I didn't realize it was famous at first.

Then I noticed this right beside it, it's about 100 years old and it actually started out as two trees that grew together.
That's pretty cool.

I just think it's so gorgeous.

This I guess is the Georgia O'Keeffe Museum.

There were lots of fancy details added to the adobe buildings which I thought added to the charm of them.

I noticed this across the street from where we were, a bunch of sculptures coming out of the ground.

I think they were meant to be dolphins.

What a great idea for a plant stand.

The park/plaza area - the mature trees really make it.

After we finished our tour of Old Town, we headed to Trader Joe's.
I'm always stopping at them to find this garlic parmesan seasoning I read about on a blog a few years back but I've had no luck finding it yet.

We noticed a ramen place on our way in last night so searched it out for lunch today.

The bowl I tried came with lots of cabbage.
It was pretty good.

My Honey's was more on the spicy side - both were good.

After we ate, we made a stop at the Hobby Lobby in Santa Fe before hitting the road back to Albuquerque.
I love that store - I could spend an entire day in there I'm sure of it.

We saw some flowers blooming on the side of the road too.
It's weird because it's kind of like a desert but there is lots of green too.

I couldn't quite get the whole name in the picture.

We stopped at a 'lookout' on the way and took a few pictures - it is quite beautiful.

This looked like a nice spot.

Driving back through Madrid - we didn't bother to stop today.

I like how they did this entrance way.

We saw some pretty vistas along the way.

Caution - cattle crossing!

I'm loving this blanket we picked up at the Balloon Fiesta grounds the other morning, it's so soft!

We stopped to see if we could get a better look at this church.
The gate was locked so we couldn't but it was still pretty to look at from afar.

Wow - it's been around for a very long time.

I like the simplistic style of this cross.

My Honey & I.
We were looking around for turquoise on the ground - we didn't find any.

This guys looks pretty prickly.

A view looking back where we just came from.

Such a pretty color.

Starting to see all the homes - we are close to Albuquerque now.

There really are some beautiful homes here.

You barely notice these ones at first glance, they meld right into their surroundings - I like that.

When we got back to Albuquerque, we headed to the mall to look for a hat or t-shirt for My Honey.
Since he discovered that the Albuquerque Isotopes are a real team he's wanted to get something with the logo on it.

We checked around a bunch of stores and didn't have much luck.
He did finally find a shirt though so all that shopping was not in vain.

The other day when we were here, this place was giving out samples of their chicken sandwich and it was so great, we decided to get one to share for supper.

It had bacon, ranch, pickles and cheese, so good.

We also went and got seasoned fries from the Potato Corner one last time.
Boy, do I ever love those things!

Then we headed back to the room at a fairly decent hour.
We had to pack up and we fly out at 8 am so we need to be up kind of early.

We've had a lovely trip and I think we will likely be back sometime in the future.

Miss H shared this Facebook memory of she and Baby F.
Hard to believe this was only a year ago - she was so tiny.

She's grown up so much.
This is a good reminder to make sure to enjoy every moment because they pass by so quickly.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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