Sunday 10 November 2019

Check Up For Mom (Nov.4, 2019)

I woke up this morning to the news that my Auntie N had passed away through the night.

I really was holding out the hope that she would defy all odds and make it.
I am really feeling for her immediate family today, especially my uncle who took care of her so well for the last 38 years.
He was always by her side and I think he's going to feel a bit lost now.

I wish that it wasn't so far away and that I could get there to see them.
 She was a strong lady and she'll always be very dear to me.

It is pretty much winter here unfortunately.
The ground is snow covered and I think it's here to stay.

I weighed in when I got to work.

I was eating so much junk and crap over the past week and weekend that I was really expecting the result today to be much either but just pure luck that it wasn't.
Why can't I get a hold of this?

I worked until lunch time then I picked up my mother to take her to a Doctor's appointment in WCT.

I wanted them to make sure her kidney infection was cleared up and check her shoulder.
They said the kidney infection was indeed cleared up and they aren't going to send her to an orthopedic surgeon for her shoulder just yet, they want to do an ultra sound first.

The fact that it is healing on it's own, albeit slowly, is a good sign and hopefully a surgeon won't be needed at all.
They want her to go to physiotherapy too.

I asked how often and the doctor said she believes in You Tube Physio or in other words, go once, have them show you the exercises then do them yourself at home.

We didn't stop anywhere else in WCT, just went straight back home.

I had some things I wanted to do but felt really tired so sat on the couch and watched a Hallmark movie.
The plot was really far fetched but whatever.
I don't watch these movies expecting them to be Oscar Winners!

I was even falling asleep at one point so after the movie, I went to my bed to have a lie down but a nap just wasn't in the cards.

I had to head out at 6:30 to go curling.
We didn't play that great again and ended up losing.

Part of my issue was that I noticed a few girls I hadn't seen since last curling season had lost some weight and while I was happy for them, it just got me really thinking about why I'm not able to do it.

It's really something that I want so much and it's at the point where it's affecting my physical abilities and soon enough it will start causing health issues to.

When I realized Diet Pepsi was making my stomach feel bad, I was able to give it up no problem.
Anytime I even think I might want a glass of it, I remember how bad my belly feels afterwards and it completely deters me.
If only I could do that with junk food (which does make my belly feel bad to by the way).

All I know is that I am going to try again tomorrow.
If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!

When I got home, Paddington was stretched right out on My Honey.

If this isn't the look of pure comfort then I don't know what is!

 I read a little of my book before heading to bed.
I'm on the last book of the Anne series "Rilla of Ingleside" and I read it before so I know that something sad is going to happen and I'm dreading it.
Isn't that silly?

That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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