Sunday 24 November 2019

Light Up! (Nov.21, 2019)

The morning flew by at work, guess that's what happens when you are having fun!

Lunch was a salad with chicken breast and chia seeds.
It was yummy!

I took the snowflake I made to the office today and put a set of lights on it.
We thought it would look good hanging outside the office so we decided to hang it up.

I love this picture of SG, she looks like she's up to no good!

The girls gave direction and held the ladder for me (SV was the photographer).

We hung it with big magnets that SG's hubby made.
I knocked them down about three times before we finally got it up.

Looks pretty good.
I can't wait to see it with the lights on.

Light up in town was tonight so mom & I headed down there around 6 pm.
It was a lovely evening for it.

My son and family were out having dinner first so we stopped in there to see them.

Mom & I wore our giant Christmas hats, Miss Z just had to try it on.

She wanted her sissy to try one on too.

As soon as Baby F saw my phone she just had to have it and take some pictures.

She wanted to try the hat on too.


Awww, I love this one.

Miss Z had to try mom's hat on too.

She was having a grand old time switching back and forth between hats.

She made sure my son tried one on too.

They hadn't even ordered yet (it was super busy in there) and mom and I weren't staying to eat so we headed out to the festivities to see what was going on out there.

MY SIL showed up with the kiddos.

Mr H was being very shy - he does that a lot when he hasn't seen us in a bit.
It doesn't take him long to get over it though.

My brother and niece were there as well.
Santa showed up and all the kids waited in line to see him.

It was quite a long line so mom and I headed to the grocery store to get sandwiches for supper.

We thought we had plenty of time but got back just was the kids were getting to see Santa.

Miss A letting Santa giving her list to Santa.

Mr H was listening patiently.

There was a big bonfire and because of the nice evening, lots of the town was out.

The Firemen had a firetruck there for the kids to look at and Mr H was right in there.

The volunteer fire fighter took him around the whole truck and showed him everything.

He was enthralled.

He must have spent a good hour going around the truck looking at every single thing.

There was lots to see too.

This was what he really wanted, to get right up there on the truck.

He had lots of questions to ask.
I think this was the highlight of the evening for him.

My son & family had to wait a long time for their supper but they finally made it over to the line up to see Santa.

Baby F was NOT impressed.

She didn't have a full on melt down.

But she was trying to get away.

Mom thought if she got close that maybe they could get a good picture but Baby F was not staying on that lap one second longer.

I asked Miss Z what she was going to ask Santa for and she said she didn't know but she'd figure it out when she got on his lap.
I wonder what she picked?

Mom's friends, L & LD were volunteering as Santa's helpers and giving treat bags to the kiddos after their visit with Santa.
They do a lot of volunteering in the community.
The photographer that took this picture was volunteering his time as well and taking pictures of all the kids with Santa.
So nice to have so much community spirit.

Much happier now that she's back with mommy.

The fireworks started right at that time and we had a perfect view.
Baby F wasn't frightened by the noise they made at all.

My son & his family.

I love that we live in a small community that puts on events like this.

The volunteer fire fighters and the local RCMP come out too and it's good that the community gets a chance to interact with them.

Went to get a hot chocolate but shop was all closed up.
We finished watching the fireworks then we headed home.

My Christmas decorating is pretty much done.

I love how it looks in the evening with all the Christmas lights on.

I had a lot of decorations that I didn't put up this year.
I love how it all turned out though.

My handsome honey!
I saw this before and I think it's so funny.

This article was posted on Facebook today.
It's my great grandfather so I thought it was very interesting.
He lived to be 103 and he was active right up until he passed away.
Good genes to have!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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