Saturday 23 November 2019

Got My Hair Did! (Nov.19, 2019)

It was a pretty quiet day at the office.

I just love Christmas at the office, it looks so festive.

I have a set of these deer at home - we used them for centerpieces at one of our work Christmas Parties years ago so we had bought a whole bunch of them.
We sold them after the party and I bought one.
I still like it just as much now as I did then.

All the fundraising stuff is up and ready to go.

These are the garlands SG and I put up yesterday.
They finish the decorations off really nicely.

BH was off and SV left before coffee break so it was just SG and I (and the guys).

I got lots done today - made up for all the time I spent getting fundraisers ready to go yesterday.

For lunch I had a chicken breast and salad.
It was super good.

I had an appointment booked for 5 pm to get this grey covered.

It's driving me crazy.

Then the hair dresser called to say that she had a cancellation so could I come in early.
I took her up on it and was there for 3:30.

I just got her to do my roots this time.
Still took a bit to get them all covered.

I didn't bother to get her to style it as I was just going home anyway.
They grey is covered and that is what I wanted so I'm happy.

When I got home, I worked on decorating a bit more.
It's slow going.

I watched Counting On and Welcome to Plathville at the same time.

My Honey made soup for supper.
Italian Wedding soup.

It's the first time he ever made it and it was delicious.
I had two mugs full!

He spend the evening working on the table and chairs set he made.
He was staining and painting and sanding.
We are going for that rustic look - it's what we like.

I think I may paint a pattern on the top of the table, maybe just in the corners or something, then My Honey will put a varnish or clear coat and it and it will be good to go.

I can't wait to see the kids sitting at it and using it.

My Honey is back to work in the am so it was early to bed for us.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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