Sunday 3 November 2019

Back Home and Lord Huron (Oct.9, 2019)

Well the day to go home has arrived.
We were up early, dropped the car off to the rental return and we sitting in the terminal ready to board plenty early.
It was looking like another lovely day out there in Albuquerque today.

We had some trouble picking our seats when we checked in yesterday - I think because we booked through WestJet but were flying with a partner airline, United.

We went to the gate to see if we could pick them as soon as there was someone there but they weren't helpful at all.
They said that we were together for the flight to LA but after that we were not and they couldn't do anything about it.

I was super cranky - I was imagining us both being seated in center seats in totally different rows and I wasn't very happy about it.

Then our flight ended up being delayed.
There was a light coming on and they were having trouble getting it fixed.

When we were about an hour delayed, they made an announcement that they had no idea when it would be fixed and anyone with connecting flights should come see them.

So I went up and talked to the gentleman there and he was much nicer that both ladies I had dealt with earlier.
He booked us on a flight to Denver later in the day in case we didn't get out of Albuquerque in time to catch our connection in LA.
He also went in and checked on our seat assignments on the flight out of LA.
We were seated in center seats in seperate rows as I'd imagined but he moved us to a seat together in the Exit aisle.
Exactly what those ladies said they could not do.

They did end up getting the plane up and running and we departed Albuquerque an hour late but still in plenty of time to make our connecting in LA, we would even have time to grab something to eat.

I had a craving for chinese food so we went to Panda Express.

It was really full in the seating area but we got a seat just as our food was ready.

I had mongolian beef and noodles.

My honey had the shrimp and rice.

Our fortunes from our cookies.

Our plane left right on time and this was our very first time sitting in the exit row.
It was so nice and roomy - we loved it.
The main thing for me though was that we were sitting together so I was happy.

We got into Edmonton right around 4 pm.

This awesome buffalo creation was in the Edmonton airport.

I think he looked awesome.

We got our luggage and our truck then we headed for the city.
We have a concert to go to tonight so we had to find something to do until then.

We arrived back to a really beautiful day here in Edmonton which was nice.

This dog kept on poking his head out of the sun roof - he was enjoying the nice weather just as much as we were.

The concert we were going to was at the Jubilee Auditorium so we headed over that way to look for a place to have some supper.
There are lots of mature trees in the area and I think they are just so beautiful.

I've been wanting to try this place for some time now, Three Boars.

It was just tiny inside and it was jam packed which I thought odd for a Wednesday night.
They did say they could fit us in even though we didn't have a reservation so we sat at the bar to wait.

It smelled divine in there but they were run right off their feet and we figured the chances of us getting seated and fed before the concert started were slim so we left.
We will go back another time.

There was a pizza place nearby so we just went there and got a pizza - it was really good too, hit the spot.

Then we headed over to the concert venue.
My Honey has really taken a liking to Lord Huron and so when I found out they were coming to town, I got us a couple tickets to go.

We ended up having really awesome seats, fourth row back from the front - I didn't realize they were going to be so good when I picked them.
We were impressed

They had a band from Vancouver open for them,  Loving.

I wasn't crazy for them, I wasn't sad when they were done.
It was nice of Lord Huron to use a Canadian opener though.

In between sets.
This just gives an idea of how close we were to the stage.

Then the band of the night came out.

Ben Schneider - The lead singer.

Tom Renaud - Lead Guitarist

Miguel Briseno - Bass.

There was also another guitarist, drummer and keyboard player in the back row.

I was so close that I was able to get some really great pictures.

Ben is a true entertainer and he is just so interesting to watch.

He and the keyboardist did a duet and it was hauntingly beautiful.

Emerald Star (hence the green lighting).

I'd never heard it before but it was lovely.

She had a beautiful voice.

Then they whipped out this space age instrument for one of the songs, a Theremin - it was so cool to watch him play it.
My Honey said that Sheldon played on in Big Bang Theory.

Doesn't that sound so cool?

I only know a few of their songs but that didn't stop me from whole heartedly enjoying this whole concert.

The whole show was awesome.

The whole band was interesting to watch from the keyboardist & the bass player,

to the guitarist.

This guy was the best though, such a great performer and what a voice!

They left without playing my favorite song, The Night We Met so I knew they'd be back for an encore and they were.

I had to record them singing this because it's my favorite - they did a fabulous job.

The concert ended around 11pm and we still had a 3 hour drive home ahead of us but we were so glad we got to see the concert.
It was awesome and I'd go seem them again anytime I had the chance.

We hit the highway and it was close to 2 when we got home.
We went straight to bed as we both have to work in the morning, at least I only have two days left to go before the weekend!

This made me chuckle.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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