Sunday 3 November 2019

Dentist Appointment (Oct.16, 2019)

Woke up to a scene that warmed my heart, literally.
It was so warm, that all the snow was melting, YAY!!!

Work was the same old same old.
My sister called me at lunchtime to tell me that our Aunt NG, who has been in the hospital for the last couple of weeks took a turn for the worse this morning.
They've been giving her dialysis but her heart is very weak so they can't continue and there is nothing more they can do.

I was shocked.
I didn't realize that it was so serious.

I was also feeling upset because the last two times I went to PEI, we were so rushed and busy that I didn't have a chance to make it over to see her.
I kept thinking the next time I go, I'll go spend a whole day with her.
I now regret that so much.

It's definitely a reminder to not wait to do things, if you have the chance, just do it because you just never know.

I had to leave a little early this afternoon to head to WCT for a dentist appointment.
My Honey started days off today so he came with me for a drive.

He dropped me off at the dentist and went off on a mission to find essential oils.
He wants to try making candles and has ordered some wax and wicks, now we just need the scents to go along with.

I was seeing a new dentist today, he works evenings so I don't have to miss as much work which I like.
His dental assistant happened to be the daughter of our former maintenance foreman, MB.
He still works for the same company but he was transferred to a different district.

I'm embarrassed to say because I try to take good care of my teeth but I had quite a few cavities that needed filling and a couple fillings that needed replaced.
He ended up doing work on both sides of the top of my mouth then also on one side of the bottom.
He said he could do it all but I felt like that was enough for one appointment so I'll go back again to get the last section done.

He said it would only be about a half hour appointment.
I like him, he shows me what he's doing and explains everything which I like.

I've never been afraid to go to the dentist but I do just like to know what's going on.

When My Honey picked me up, my mouth was still quite frozen so I wasn't ready to go eat yet.
I didn't want to accidentally bite my tongue or something.
So instead we went and did a bit of shopping.

I found a couple things at the dollar store to finish up my skull project and we picked up groceries.

By around 8:30 the freezing was finally starting to wear off so we headed to the casino and had supper there.
I wasn't sure about going there because I was afraid they were going to be slow so as they were the last few times.
My Honey disagreed but promised he would apologize if he was wrong (not that I needed him to).
 My Honey timed from when they took our order to when it came out.
14 minutes.

Guess who was doing the apologizing!!!
We each gambled $20 and neither of us had any luck.

It was late when we got home and we still had to get the groceries put away.
It didn't take long and I headed straight to bed.

I checked for an update on NG but nothing.
She is on my mind and I'm praying for a miracle for her and her family.

A beautiful line from one of my favorite all time books.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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