Sunday 3 November 2019

Enough is Enough and a Massage. (Oct.15, 2019)

There was snow on the ground when I got up this morning - yuck.
We could completely bypass the winter weather and it wouldn't bother me in the slightest.

I weighed in first thing when I got to work.
Pretty steady right here at this weight.

I decided that enough is enough and I just really have to lose some weight.
I need to do this whatever it takes, my life depends on it.

Today is the day - I'm just going to do it.

For lunch I had leftover casserole and extra veggies.
It was pretty darn good actually.

I think I might make some more then separate it into portions that I can heat up whenever.
Nothing new & exciting at work today, it was busy and it flew by, before you know it, it was time to go home.

I got home and Paddington was snuggled up beside me while I worked on another page in my Goals book.

I skipped over goal 9 and got 10 done.
This project is actually a lot of fun.

I was thinking about going to do some work on my blog when I got a text from KW.
It just said 'Hi April' but as soon as I saw it I remembered that I had a massage scheduled for today at 5:30.
It was already 5:45.

I had completely forgotten and I felt so bad.
She said she could still do an hour so I raced off down there.

She worked on my back, shoulders, legs and feet and it was wonderful.
I'm so glad I didn't miss it all together.

I met My Honey afterwards at the store to get supper.

I already had chicken cooked so we got veggies and rice to go with.
Supper was easy peasy and really good.

Talk about making yourself comfortable, ha ha!
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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