Monday 4 November 2019

Baby F Visit (Oct.17, 2019)

It was looking quite dreary out there this morning but it wasn't below 0 so I decided to get out and go for a walk to the road.

Might as well get some fresh air before the snow comes back.

The leaves are mostly all gone now - everything looks so brown and dead.
There are a few hanging on but a few more days and they'll be gone too.
I had some veggies and chicken for my lunch.
I'm trying to incorporate lots of veggies.
After work we popped by to visit my son and his family.
Baby F is teething again so she was not the happiest today.
She seemed good while we were there.

My Honey sat on the floor to play with her and she went right over and plopped herself on his lap.

She did that several times over the course of the night - I thought it was so cute.

I was able to catch a short clip of her doing it.

Kids really like it when you get right down there on the floor and play with them and My Honey is so good with them - it's not surprising that she likes him.

Showing her car off to My Honey.

She got a hold of his glasses, she just loves them.
We'll have to get her a play pair.
She knows a lot more of her body parts now.
She's able to point out her head, mouth, knees, nose, toes and belly.
She's also learning eyes and hair.
It's amazing how much information they can soak up.
Like how to use the camera on the phone for example, she knows just what button to press on the screen to take a picture.

She'll just stand there and take picture after picture.

Miss Z arrived there just before we left.
She cut her own hair the day before yesterday.
Her mom took her to get it fixed and it doesn't look too bad.
She is just a ball of energy that one.
The house went from 0 to 50 when she arrived.
Her & Baby F were running around like little maniacs having the time of their lives.
I love seeing that.
I've said it before but I'll say it again, it's so nice that they have each other.
We had brought over a Jack Skellington decoration that My Honey had picked up for Miss H and it was in a box that I was going to take and get rid of but the girls wanted to play in it.

They got right in it and My Honey pulled them around.

They loved it.
Isn't it amazing how much fun a simple cardboard box can be?
We left there and stopped by to see my niece at work.
My Honey had picked up a skellington for her as well and I also hadn't had a chance to drop the Bob's shoes off to her yet that I'd picked up for her for watching the kitties for us.
My Honey had started slow cooking a pork roast last night when we got home and it was smelling so good in the house that I couldn't wait to get home and eat.

We made instant mashed potatoes, gravy and veggies to go with it.
My Honey had also made some cranberry chutney so I just had to have some of that with it.
It was so delicious.
I watched the Season Premiere of Counting On while I ate.
It was like catching up with old friends or family and seeing what everyone had been up to.
I may not share their beliefs but I do admire some of the things they do.
Like the frank discussions they encourage the couples to have before and after marriage.
The best to me is just seeing that big family all gathering together and having fun just being together.
Almost makes me wish I'd had a dozen kids or so.........almost!
The Hallmark Christmas movie list is out - can't wait!

Someone in town found 5 kittens out in the field that someone had apparently just dropped off out there.
It turns out a lot of people happened to know who it was and it was actually 6 kittens she dropped off (one didn't make it).
It turned into a huge thing on the local discussion page.

Miss H and Baby F went to a wedding over the weekend and the photographer posted this cute picture of them at the receptions.
That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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