Thursday 7 November 2019

Bagels and a Birthday Lunch (Oct.22, 2019)

I kept waking all through the night then I woke up around 4:30 and the election results were still playing on my mind so I just couldn't get back to sleep.
So at 5 am I just got up and got in the bath tub.
I didn't want to look at my phone because I knew it would upset me so I found new a book to start reading.
I did look at my phone briefly and saw that the Conservatives won the popular vote but lost by seats and by a lot of seats.
So basically a larger percentage of people who voted, voted Conservative but the Liberals still won the election.
That doesn't seem right to me and I firmly believe it's time for some electoral reform here in our country.
When I got to work, it was all the talk of course.
People weren't happy but they are resigned to it as there really isn't much else they can do.
There is lots of talk today over Alberta annexing from Canada but I don't believe that's the solution.
Anyway, I'm trying to look on the bright side.
They at least no longer have a majority government so they can't just put through whatever legislation they want to.
Also, minority governments don't normally last that long so there's that to hope for.
I do think the Conservatives need to look at voting in a new leader.
Today was BH's birthday so she and I and NCT planned to meet at Sammy's for lunch.
My Honey just happened to be in the parking lot at the store when we got there so we invited him to join us.
I ordered the chicken quesadilla and it was pretty good.
I forgot my phone at home this morning so no pictures.
I had ordered new markers and pens and they were supposed to arrive today so I checked the mail at the post office but they weren't there.
I've been thinking about the Cuban Sandwiches My Honey made for supper last night and I told him so he said he would make them again tonight.
He had started dough for pizza but said he would just make that into bagels instead.
Works for me!
When we got back to the office, BH brought a parcel in to me from the back.
Turns out my markers and pens arrived after all, they just came directly to the office.
So I was excited about that.

After work, I cut up some placemats I'd picked up the other day at the dollar store to make Christmas trees.
I also was working on the blog again.

My Honey made Cuban Sandwiches again and they were just as good (if not better) than yesterday.
I ate both halves again.

He was also working on the bagels, this is just after he boiled them.

Then he cooked them up - don't they look delicious?
I just had to try a little piece before I went to bed and I had it just as is - so good.
I think these are his best version yet.
I watched some Outdaughtered then My Honey & I watched Trick or Treat.
He says Halloween movies are to him what Hallmark Christmas movies are to me and that he wants to watch one every night before Halloween.
Scary movies aren't my thing but I'm going to try to watch them with him - it is only fair!

I got in bed and cuddled up with Harry the Hippo, my main squeeze when My Honey isn't available.

It was freezing and did a bit of reading.
I think it helps to calm my mind a bit so I sleep better.
I started this book - it's going to be a quick read which is nice every now and then.

I'm still not happy about the election results but it's not on my mind like it was last night.

I saw this on facebook today and I was amazed.
I had no idea that owls had full legs like this.
Kind of freaky looking but cool too.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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