Friday 15 November 2019

Family Supper (Nov. 13, 2019)


My Honey was busy at home today making this meat monster football for supper.
It's actually a meatloaf but holy heck, look at the size of it!
Today was our lunch outing for SV's birthday.
Here is SV and I.

SG and BH.

I had the greek salad like I always do there and it was yummy.
I invited my son & his family over for supper.
Baby F got busy right away vacuuming!
She just loves this little vacuum - I wish it actually did vacuum, that would be awesome.

Showing Nanny her balloon.
I don't know what it is about balloons but kids just love them.

They always try to blow them up to - so cute.
Balloons are so awesome.

Mommy and Baby F.

She kept pointing at the blue monster puppet we have like she wanted it but when it got close to her, she would try to get away from it.

She was good with Piggy and Kermit though.

Time for supper.

She liked it and ate it all up.

Then she just started being silly.
Our little entertainer trying to get a laugh.

My Honey gave her a piece of pie for dessert with whipped cream.

She was all about that whipped cream.

Miss Z came over after her dance and skating lessons.

She still had on her little outfit (she wasn't in the mood for a picture though).
Normally she loves them.

Miss Z wanted me to bring out the toy bin so they could play with the stuff in it.

She found a slinky and it was fascinating to her.

My Honey and Miss Z were hitting the balloon back and forth with the racket.

Baby F had to check it out.

Ha ha - being a silly goose again.
Your turn Grandpa.

I think these two are going to have a very special bond and just a sweet relationship.

She wanted up on our bed.
She loves all the pillows and stuffed animals.

Miss Z wanted up to - she wanted to hide in a pillow fort.

They think playing in there is just great.

They would hide under the pillows then we'd have to come and 'look' for them.

Baby F thought it was great fun.
It was like a pillow fortress.

Where did Miss Z go?
Oh, there she is!
Had to get mommy/sissy in to look for them too.

She found a new place to hide.

When they grew tired of the hide & seek in the bed fort, they found a new game to play.

Ride in the cardboard box.

They both got into the box.

Then My Honey pushed them back and forth down the hallway.

Baby F was having fun.

It took a little convincing to get her to sit down in the box.

She finally did though.

My Honey gave them a flashlight and they got right inside and he closed the box for him.

They thought that was great.

Going so fast all I can see is a blur!
Who needs toys when you have a cardboard box?
After they left I got a coat of paint on my sign I'm making for my wreath.

This popped up in Facebook memories.
This was a year ago - can't believe how fast time is going.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy.

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