Sunday 10 November 2019

Saturday Happenings (Oct.26, 2019)

I had a bit of a sleep in this morning, got up around 9.
Made myself a coffee then looked for a movie to watch.
I couldn't really find anything so I decided on an episode of Carnival Row.
It's on Amazon Prime and the more I watch it, the more I like it.
I only watched the one episode because I wanted to get some stuff done today.

I had one of My Honey's fabulous bagels for breakfast slathered with peanut butter.
One side crunchy, the other side smooth.
Yum Yum!

My Honey had a bagel for breakfast too - he sent me this from work.
Mine was delicious but his looks pretty good too.

I got the laundry going, did the dishes, and got a couple of pages done in my 50x50 goals book.

My scroll didn't turn out the way I wanted it to but I'm happy all in all.

I worked on the blog a bit.

I also worked on sewing the Christmas trees together that I'd cut out of placemats that I'd got at the dollar store.

I was able to get about 3 good size trees from each placemat which wasn't bad.
I paid $2 for each placemat.

I sewed them right sides together and left a hole so I could turn them right side out.

The hole was also so I could stuff them.
I didn't stuff them too full - just enough to fill them but not too tightly. 

I had some bread that had gone moldy so I threw that out for the birds and that provided some entertainment for my kitties.

There was a whole crow convention on my front yard but just as I went to take their picture, they all flew away.

I was supposed to be babysitting Baby F tonight so they could go to the Halloween party in town so I dropped over there to see how the preparations were going.
I was looking forward to seeing their costumes.

When I got over there however, Miss H was not feeling well and they had decided they weren't going.

So instead I stayed and visited Baby F for a bit.

I have so many pictures like this of her holding my phone and taking a picture of herself.

Love them.

She also got a hold of my keys and was just pressing all the buttons.
They are so curious at this age - everything is a wonder to them.
It's beautiful to watch actually.

My goodness this little girl just fills my heart with joy.
In this picture, she looks like she's not too sure what to think of me, ha ha!

She is becoming so brave & fearless - it's kind of scary. 

She stands on her little couch all the time and rocks back and forth and I'm so afraid she's going to tip it over.
Hasn't happened yet though, thank goodness.

Rock star in the making?

Learning how to pet Louie gently.

Is this right daddy?

Practicing petting Louie. 

I went to the store and picked up a few things for Miss H like ice cream and yogurt.
Her throat was sore so I wanted to get her some things she could eat.

I also picked up some French fries for My Honey & I for supper.

When I got home, I stuffed all my trees and glued their 'trunks' (which are just dowels), into them and let them sit to dry.
Once the glue dries, I'll sew the openings shut and add the stands.

Then I cooked up supper.
We tried the seasoned French fry thing.
I cooked up the spiral fries then I coated them with popcorn seasoning.
It was actually pretty good.

I watched another episode of Carnival Row then My Honey & I hit the hay.

This made me laugh out loud.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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