Sunday 3 November 2019

Crafting & Visiting (Oct.13, 2019)

Didn't have much of a sleep in today.
I woke up early and couldn't go back to sleep so when My Honey got up for work, I just got up too.

I was trying to make the bed but Paddington had other ideas.

I made a coffee, grabbed my wreath supplies then sat down to watch a movie and make a wreath.
I couldn't really find any movie I wanted to watch so I ended up watching a few more of my PVR'd shows.

I had some leftover pasta that My Honey had made last night for breakfast/lunch.

Paddington came and hung out with me.

Got the wreath semi-finished.
I still want to add something too it but I'll have to think about what I want to add.

I got my skull project semi-completed too.
I glued it onto the candlestick and added a top hat.
 I would like to add some black lace around the top of the candlestick too but I didn't have any.
Will have to look for some next time I go to a store.

I stopped by my son's for a visit.
Took the boots to Baby F that I bought her.

She actually liked them even though they are a bit tall for her and make her walk funny.

Miss Z was there visiting.

She wanted to show me her pretty blue nails.

Baby F was about to have some supper.

Taking selfies with Miss Z.

She was posing for me.

Baby F finished eating then she got busy playing the drums.

And chasing her Auntie Z around.

She likes to copy whatever her Auntie is doing sometimes.

Miss H tried her second Halloween costume on her to show me.

She makes a cute little Cookie Monster.

Baby F didn't want the hat but Miss Z had no problem trying it on.

Miss Z wanted to take a picture of me.
I think she took a few hundred, lol.

None of them were flattering.

She had me pose with the unicorn.

She took a couple of her big sissy too and Baby F.
Most of them were blurry.

We played some music and the girls had a dance party.

Miss Z was still taking pictures.

She made sure to get one of her mom.

Also, one of Louie.

Another one of Baby F too playing with her favorite toy.

Then she wanted in the car to play too.

She is really into picture taking - now she has her mom's phone.
CP says she has to delete hundreds of pictures off of it weekly.

Close up.

Someone was happy to see Uncle R when he got home from work.

When I finally went home, I finished a page in my goals book.

Just another example of the dot art that I want to try.

What a great idea and I love the scent of oranges.
I think I'm going to try this.

SV hung up her new clock in her house - she's going to leave it there until the golf course opens again next summer.
I think it looks great.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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