Wednesday 25 March 2020

Working From Home Begins and It Has Its Perks! (Mar.20, 2020)

So I decided to take advantage of the opportunity to work from home and cut back the chances of spreading /catching the Covid-19 virus.

My view from the office this morning.

My Honey even delivered me breakfast to my desk!
It was so good.

I decided to go with green letters for the growth chart.

I think it's going to pop a little next to the purple and I think it will look good.

My Honey tried is hand at making gibassiers.
Basically a bread type dough with anise seed and orange zest.
They were an excellent first stab, I thought they were wonderful.

My niece dropped by to bring us a treat so I was finally able to give her the treats I'd picked up for her on our trip.

She made these cutie patootie bunny cupcakes.
She's crafty that one!

My Honey also made a loaf of what he calls "spring bread".
I had to record him cutting into it.

The reveal!

Isn't that pretty?
I can confirm that it was very tasty too.

After supper, we went for a walk and we stopped in to have a visit with Baby F.

She & her mommy were chilling on the couch watching some television.

She sure loves her mama.

She got the giggles.

Now she's just being silly.

She wanted My Honey to take her outside so he did and he captured this wonderful shot of her while they were out there playing.

They came in and we visited for a bit then when we decided we were ready to go, she grabbed her boots and coat and gave them to My Honey.

I think that's code for "I want to come too"

We can't say no to her.

She just wanted to play in her little house.

She just loves being outdoors.
I foresee many outdoor play dates this summer.

I was sitting on the stoop so she sat there too.

She thought it was great.

We were having a serious discussion.

Posing for the camera.

We stayed out with her for a bit then we really did have to go.

I got on the treadmill for a few minutes every hour today so by the end of the day I'd racked up over an hours worth of walking.
Not too shabby!

Paddington looks like one of those stately lion statues that flank grand entrances.

We watched some Diners, Drive-Ins & Dives before calling it a night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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