Wednesday 25 March 2020

Just My Girl and I (Mar.15, 2020)

I got up this morning, made a coffee and found myself something to watch.

I found this documentary on these twin sisters that are autistic but also savants.
They remember everything they've ever eaten, worn, the weather on any date and they know what day of the week any date in history pretty much fell on.
It was a really interesting watch.

When it was over, I cooked up some hash for myself with the leftover veggies from last nights supper.
I thought it was going to be another quiet day but then my son called to see if I would watch Baby F while they went to WCT to get a few groceries and of course I said that I would love to.

They'd been in Barrhead all last week while her mom worked so I hadn't seen her in a while.
She wanted a snack as soon as she came over.

Aww, such a beautiful smile.

I think she wanted to play with the food more than eat it.

Next on the agenda was feeding the kitties.

We have the dry cat food in a big container on the floor and she know just where it is.
She opens it, gets the scoop and proceeds to fill their dishes to over flowing.

I was able to distract her with the kitty treats instead and put the big container of food up and away before she fed all of it to the cats.

Then it was time for some selfies with Grandma.

We did some coloring.

Tried on some sunglasses.

She preferred the upside down look.

She was very busy!

We had snacks again.

Strawberries and blackberries.

Can you tell which was her favorite?

Then she had a banana.

She would break off little sections and eat them.

Until she decided she'd had enough.

Then we really got into the sunglassses.

Still upside down.
I tried to turn them for her but she was having none of it.

These ones are bigger than her face, ha ha.

I love, love, love this picture of her.
It totally captures the little ham she is.

Trying on sunglasses was a really fun activity - she's got a thing for glasses.


This girl is styling.

So is Nanny.

She joined in the fun.

Finally she's got them the right way.

Cute chick right there.

Ha ha.

She went over in behind the table and was just standing there being very quiet.

Nope, not poopin'!

Snack time again.

She just loves white cheddar popcorn.

I could just sit and watch her in amazement all day long no matter what she is doing.

She makes my heart brim over with joy!

I got to spend the whole afternoon with her and I enjoyed every moment.
When My son and Miss H got back, they stayed and visited until around 7 then they took her home to get her ready for bed.

After they left I went down and got on the treadmill.
Took me over and hour to get my 10,000 steps.

Got it done though!

The quarantine memes just keep on coming.

The most important food group - snacks!

It kind of does feel that way.

I would never EVER do something like this but it did make me chuckle.

We got this!

They don't haven't any cases of Covid 19 yet but it's only a matter of time.

I saw this cake recipe and it's literally 2 ingredients.
Angel Food Cake mix and crushed pineapple, I'm totally going to give it a try.


It's like gold these days.

Kind of how things feel right now.

Ba ha ha.

Yup, just crazy.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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