Saturday 21 March 2020

Back to Regular Life (Feb.26, 2020)

Even though we went to bed early last night, I was still super tired when it was time to get up this morning.
Thank goodness I only have to work 3 day then it's the weekend!!

I weighed in when I got to the office.
I was up a bit which is no surprise, my legs were swelled from travelling and I was wearing my pandora bracelets which likely weigh a pound or two anyway.

I have been considering getting lap band surgery because I just can't seem to get a handle on my weight and I just keep getting bigger and bigger.
I looked up a little about it and saw that in the states, the surgery costs around $33,000.
I definitely do not have that kind of money.
I also saw some articles about folks having complications so now I'm not so sure.

I still may talk to the doctor about it but in the meantime, I'm really going to try my hardest to get this done on my own.
My ankles are bothering me, so is my knee.
I feel sometimes like I'm going to explode and I know what I need to do and how I need to eat, I just can't seem to stick to it for longer than a month.
I know it's because I don't see results and then I get discouraged.
I have to really fight past that, even if I did get surgery, they would make me lose some weight first so I just have to do it!

Work was busy as it always is when I get back from a few days  off.
Lots of emails to answer and paper work on my desk to get through.

I brought some Georgia Peach cookies back from Savannah for everyone in the office here and I gave them to them at coffee break.

For lunch, I microwaved a couple eggs and had some soup and watched Sister Wives.
I'm disappointed that they aren't going to build one big house, I think that would have been cool.

I was going to drop by and visit my son after work but he was working late and Miss H was at her mom's so I didn't go.
I said we might pop by later when My Honey got home from work.

I stopped at the store and ran into my SIL and Mr H.
He was shy at first like usual.
He came around though.
He wanted to come over but I said I'd come get him tomorrow night to come over for a bit.

We got talking about our Family trip to Disney and Mr H said that he couldn't wait to go and he also couldn't wait to go for a trip to the city.
My Honey and I promised we'd take he and Miss A to the city again for an overnight trip because we all enjoyed the last one so much.

I also saw my niece at the store too, she was heading to work.
I'll have to drop by there tomorrow and give her the things I picked up for her while we were away.

I didn't even have 5000 steps yet so as soon as I got home, I hopped on the treadmill to get that done.
I wanted to try to run a bit but 30 seconds in had to stop due to ankle pain.
I just don't want to injure it further but I'm going to keep trying.

I watched some more Atypical, I'm really enjoying it.

It took close to an hour to make it to 10,000 but I did it.

After I cooked up some chicken breast, brussel sprouts and some mashed cauliflower that I'd picked up.

I've been seeing it at the store for awhile now and have been wanting to try it so I finally did.
The cauliflower tasted good but it was kind of runny.
It was ok, I'm maybe get it again.
I wasn't blown away or anything but it was ok.

When My Honey got home and we ate, it was too late to go out visiting so I think I'll stop by tomorrow after work to see Baby F.

Her mom did post these cute pictures of her today.

She's only 17 months old and look how long her hair is.

She is such a sweet little darling.
The apple of my eye and My Honey's, that's for sure.

Things sure have changed, haven't they?

We were early to bed again tonight.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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