Saturday 21 March 2020

Comfy Cats! (Mar.2, 2020)

I woke up this morning with a bit of a sore throat and clogged sinuses - Yay!
That was a sarcastic 'Yay' in case you were wondering.

The weekend is all over yet again so it was off to work for me.
I weighed in first thing when I got there.

We are having another weight loss competition, it will just be a mini 4 week one.
So this will also be my starting weight for this competition.

Work was busy as usual, never a lack of things to do, that's for certain.

For lunch I made myself a chicken sandwich with broccoli sprouts and I added a bit of My Honey's cranberry chutney.
It was fabulous if I do say so myself.

I watched last night's episode of Sister Wives.
I wonder how much they twist what they show because from what I can see, Meri really is a troublemaker.
But maybe they are just trying to make it look like that?
Who know?
I enjoy watching it any way.

Paddington was in an awkward position but he was looking pretty comfy all the same.

Professor Snuggles was napping too, he look much more comfy - he's tucked right in there.

BN's buddy dropped of some pictures he'd found of his wedding.
He looks so young here, just a baby.
His mom looks just like his sister, JM.

I love seeing old pictures like this.

After work I had left over stir fry then I headed off to curling.
We had to do a make up game from earlier in the season when the plant at the rink was down.
We got a point in the first end and it was all down hill from there.
They got 2, then 3, then we got another then they got 4 so we threw in the towel.

It got me to my 10,000 steps though and I was home by 8:30 so not bad at all.

Baby F and her mom are in Barrhead and have been for the last couple days.
Miss H got on part time at the job she has there (she was casual before) so they are going to be there a lot more often.

I really miss her but it's probably for the best since I think there is a sickness hovering around me trying to catch me.
I know as the day went on today, my head was splitting from my sinus congestion.
I took some Cold & Sinus right before curling and that seemed to help a bit.

I picked up my new phone from the post office today but I didn't have the time to get it set up so maybe I'll do that tomorrow.

Until next time, be happy!

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