Friday 27 March 2020

A Community Art Project (Mar.25, 2020)

My Honey was back to work today so it was kind of lonely all day by myself.
Working from home has it's perks but I do miss chatting with my co-workers.

The day was quiet but it went by quickly.
I did the same thing on the treadmill again today, went downstairs for a few minutes every hour and hopped on the treadmill.

I got my 10,000 steps in and it broke the day up for me.

Our local FCSS came up with a great idea for the folks in town seeing as everyone is pretty much stuck at home and can't get out.
They started a scavenger hunt of sorts.
People paint whatever they want in their windows then send a photo in.
Then everyone else can look for them and find certain ones when they are out walking.
You don't have to be close to anyone to participate so you can still maintain social distancing.

Lots of folks in town are joining in the fun and I think it's so wonderful.

People are very creative.

A 'stained glass' easter egg.

I love the llama.

These ones have a whole Easter scene going on.

This one has the stained glass mosaic look and lots of artwork displayed too.

This one is darling, birds and bunnies.

Another mosaic and artwork.

Aww, a little chick breaking out of an egg.

Tough to see but it looks like another mosaic design and Easter eggs.

The colorful sun rays are so cute.

This is the one Miss Z and her mom did.

A ladybug and a butterfly.

They did a great job.

Looks like a bunny crossed with an egg - great job!

Ha ha.
This is making fun but it really bugs me sometimes that so many people think they are the expert on so many topics and they feel like they have to share their opinions and they know best.
Just remember folks - just because it's on the internet doesn't mean it's true!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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