Saturday 21 March 2020

Sick Baby (Mar.4, 2020)

My Honey started his days off today but this chick had to head to work.
I don't mind though, I'm lucky enough to like my job.

Professor Snuggles sure likes his spot.
He was laying there napping with his legs outstretched.

How is that even comfortable?

Miss H and Baby F were home from Barrhead.
Baby F was sick though and she did not want anything to do with us whatsoever.

She clung to mom and cried the entire time we were there, would barely even look our way.
Poor sweet thing, I felt so bad.
We didn't stay long at all.
We'll visit again another time when she's feeling better.

We had walked down there to see them and we didn't walk straight back home.
We added some extra streets in so I could get my 10,000 steps in.
There is lots of snow and it's slippery in spots.
I fell a couple times but just in the snow so I didn't get hurt.

When we got home, we watched a bit of tv before calling it a night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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