Wednesday 25 March 2020

Happy St Patrick's Day! (Mar.17, 2020)

Happy St Patrick's Day from this cutie to you!

I got my green going on today to celebrate too.

I'm even wearing my lime green socks which I love by the way!

Work was business as usual.
We do have the option to work from home if we want to but I've been thinking that I'm going to hang in there until they tell me that I have to work from home (I do think that will be coming though).

At lunch I went and picked up my niece, Miss M, and took her to my house to to her taxes.
Hers is a fairly simple return so it didn't take very long.
I haven't seen her since I got home from my trip and I realized after I took her home that I forgot to give her the things I'd picked up for her while I was away.
We were sitting right beside them too.

It feels kind of hard to focus on work right now with all of the Corona Virus stuff going on.
I did manage to get a pile of work completed and off of my desk though so that felt good.

After work, my son, his honey and Baby F came over.

I just love her little voice.

They wanted to do their taxes too.
It took a bit longer to do theirs but we got it done.

Baby F is super busy these days!

She know where the toybox is and she went right to it and got some things out to play with, like this little flute.
She knows what she is supposed to do but she couldn't quite get it to make any sounds yet.

She wanted to color - she's really into that lately.

The faces she makes, ha ha ha.

You have to be careful though because she'll just color on any surface, like the hardwood floor in my craft room for instance.
I'm not too concerned though, I'll get it off no problem.

They visited for a little while and left just before My Honey got home from work.
That's two visits he's missed now.

When he got home, we went down to the store to pick up a few things.

I just had left overs for supper.

I skipped the treadmill and just walked around the kitchen and living room until I made it to 10,0000 steps.

By then it was pretty much bed time.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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