Tuesday 24 March 2020

Cooking & Cleaning (Mar.14, 2020)

Pretty chill day in my neck of the woods.
My Honey was working today so I was on my own.

I made myself a nice healthy breakfast.
I'd forgotten how good cottage cheese and grapes go together.

Decided to do this on a whim.

Blackheads aren't really a big issue for me but I just like doing it every now & then, it feels like I'm doing something good.

Hope this doesn't gross anyone out too much but I love looking at the strip after to see if it really worked.
Weird I know.
I have to say here though that while I do like inspecting the strip afterwards, I am most definitely NOT one of those folks who likes watching pimples be popped.
I know it's a thing, they even have that Dr Pimplepopper show out now but it's not for me, it makes me feel kind of sick to see it.
(I just wanted to clarify that)

I roasted some whole garlic cloves, a roast and a bunch of veggies for supper.
I do like to have a hot meal ready for My Honey when he gets home from work.
The meat was kind of tough but everything else was really good.

Some memories from our first trip to Hawaii popped up on Facebook today so I thought I would share.

We spent the day at the Polynesian Cultural Center.
It was a full day and we really enjoyed it.

We weaved these fish - we still have them.
Hawaii was lovely, I can't wait until we go back again someday.

Ha ha.
All professional sports have been cancelled due to the Covid-19 virus so people are losing their minds.
Personally I don't watch so I could care less.
Well, scratch that, I do feel bad for all the folks it's putting out of work.
It's kind of crazy what is going on right now, so many people being affected.

Well, that is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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