Monday 23 March 2020

Science Center & Imax (Mar.8, 2020)

We headed out early this morning, stopped and got coffee's then headed over to the Telus Science Center.

They have this big magnetic wall that you can arrange these pieces on then you can drop a ball on it and see if it follows through the path you've created.

Mr H tried his hand at it.

My Honey and Miss A gave windmill building a try.

The pose and flash room is fun.
You pose then a flash goes off.

Then the shadow of your pose kind of stays for a minute or so.

It's great fun, we all tried it a couple of times.

Then we went up to the area geared more towards the younger kids.

There were lots of people in there today.

Mr H spend lots of time up in the fort kind of thing.

It kind of has treehouse then a bridge thing attached, he was running around up in there with all the other kiddos.

They have all these big foam building blocks.

My Honey building something.

He made a robot looking guy.

Mr H couldn't wait to knock it over.

All that work of My Honey's came crashing down with one knock.

Starting over.

We decided to build a fort next.

Gave it an arched doorway - turned out pretty good.

We took the kids to see a movie in the Imax theater.

Back from the Brink.
It was about three different species of animals that were on the brink of distinction but because of the work of humans, their populations are thriving again.
It was interesting.

This is the next exhibit coming to the science center.
My brother is a big Ripley's fan so we'll have to bring the kids back and maybe he'll want to join us too.

We stopped at the Italian market before heading out so My Honey could get a couple of sandwiches and we each got a treat.
I got this nutty, caramel concoction.
It was ok.

We headed to Devon even though it's a little out of the way.
I found a store there, Urban Whyte, that sells the IOD transfers and they happened to be open on Sundays.
We found the store and I loved it.
I was able to pick up a couple of transfers, some paint and a cool stencil.
I will most definitely be back!

On the drive home, we were asking the kids if they had a good time and what their favorite thing had been and Mr H pipes up and says he wants to go back again to the city tomorrow.
I told him that Miss A had work and I had school so we couldn't.

He had it all figured out though, he said just he and My Honey could go only this time, they would just do what he wanted.
So we asked what that would be and he says
"all the same things as this time only we would go swimming in the morning too and this time Jason (My Honey) wouldn't forget my Minion bag"!
Ha ha, we were in stitches.
He was just not going to let My Honey live that one down.

It was close to 7 when we got back to town and dropped the kiddos off.
We did have a great time with them and I am looking forward to the next trip with them already.

I found some pictures on Facebook from the festivities back home yesterday.
Miss NCT volunteering at the pancake breakfast.

They had fireworks and Baby F, her mom and her Auntie, Miss Z, were able to watch them from the car.
It was super cold out last night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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