Saturday 21 March 2020

A Much Better Visit! (Mar.5, 2020)

Looks like someone is feeling better today.

Miss H posted this picture of Baby F first thing this morning.
I was so happy to see that smile and to know that she is feeling better.

So we headed over there right after I got home from work to have a visit with her.

Miss Z was there visiting and the girls were being silly.

We had ordered these mesh hammock type things to put all Baby F's stuffies in and her mom was trying to hang it up,

The girls figured that would be about the best time to start jumping on the bed.

Taking a break to take a selfie with Grandma.

Miss Z noticed what we were doing....

and she wanted in!

It's so nice that they have each other as playmates.

Miss Z always seems to be so happy!

Break for some Daddy time.

He's totally smitten.

Papa was there visiting, she just thinks he's the greatest.

We were getting Alexa to play us requests and it turned into an impromptu kitchen dance party.

The 'Twirl', her signature dance move.
She's very serious about it, ha ha!!!

Time for a break and a snack.

She likes to share.

Even if the person she is sharing with doesn't necessarily want any!

Louis made sure to stay near by so he could get the scraps!

We walked back home and my fitbit went off when we were almost there to let me know I'd reached my goal.
Another day of 10,000 steps in the books.

When we got home, My Honey mixed up a batch of delicious virgin caesar's for us.
He even garnished with some beef jerky and olives.
He had horseradish in it and it was a great treat.

We watched a bit of tv before I called it a night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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