Tuesday 17 March 2020

A Day in Savannah (Feb.23, 2020)

We were up early, packed and ready to go.
We stopped at the front desk of the hotel to buy some Savannah trolley tour tickets for today before hitting the road.

The hotel had free continental breakfast so I made a bagel with cream cheese & jam for the road and I also grabbed a cheese danish.
The cheese danish was awesome!

Heading out of Tybee Island.

Some of the places had quite the decks on them.

Love this mural on the side of this place.

It's so fun.

The giant chicken is great.

We made it back to Savannah in no time.
We found the Trolley Tour office - the pamphlet said there was free parking there so we figured that would be easier than trying to search for a spot.
It wasn't actually a stop, they just shuttled you over to the first stop which was fine with us.

Its so springy here.

I'm already in love with the trees.
The squares were all full of these tall, gorgeous white oak trees.

When we started on the trolley, they had the plastic window covers down but it warmed up really quickly so luckily we were able to open those.

We passed square after square and they were all so lovely.
Basically like parks every couple of blocks in the downtown area.

The trees were covered in this hanging moss which made them even lovelier still.

They draped out over the streets - so beautiful.

I noticed that the streets were lined with parked vehicles.
Apparently parking downtown here is a nightmare.

Lots of old buildings here too.
Savannah was likely in the same boat as Charleston after the Civil War.

Excuse all the tree pictures but I was in awe.

I love the old looking lamp post.

Some of the squares had fountains in their centers, others had statues and others still had nothing.

Sometimes it kind of felt like we were just going around in circles because we just kept seeing square after square - they were all different though.

There were some lovely homes in the downtown.

Just more beautiful tree (and car) lined streets.

My Honey & I.

A trolley tour is really a great way to get out and see a city and learn some history and tips about it at the same time.

The old homes are so fabulous.

Interesting looking building.

Oh look, another square!

The flowers are all in bloom - spring has sprung here!

Sunshine is good for the soul.

This square was much larger than the others, it had this gorgeous fountain.

Funky art sculpture in someone's yard.

Looking up at the spanish moss hanging.

I like how the trunks of the trees look too, all twisted and unusual.

Another gorgeous old place.

This is Big Duke Fire Alarm Bell.
They actually used it back in the day as a fire alarm but is now a memorial to Savannah Fire Fighters.

This church steeple can be seen in the opening scene of the movie, Forrest Gump when the feather is launched.

This building has two 'eye' windows - kind of weird and creepy.

I just love me a butter yellow house.

Cool mural.

City Market - we need to come back and check this out on foot later.

Another gorgeous old building.

Leopold's is a famous ice cream place here in Savannah and we decided to get off at the next stop after it so we could go back and check it out.
We had purchased tickets to a river boat sight seeing cruise and we wanted to get something to eat before we boarded.
Why not have ice cream for lunch?

It looked like an old school ice cream spot inside.

They make all their ice cream in house.

They've been around for a loooong time.

They served the ice cream in these fancy sundae glasses.

My Honey & I waiting for our ice cream.

My Honey went for the waffle cone.

The Leopold 's story.

After ice cream, we walked down to the river side to find where we boarded for the river cruise.

All the buildings down on the river side were old and beautiful too.

We found the boat right away.

It was huge.

We found the place where we had to trade in our vouchers for tickets then got in line to board.

The area down here is really nice, we'd likely not even have seen it at all if we hadn't come down here to go on the boat.

There is the bridge just like the one in Charleston.
Nice looking bridge.

It was turning out to be a beautiful, sunny day so we found a place on the top deck to sit and enjoy the cruise.

Off we go.
You can see by the water that it was nice and calm.

The river walk area.

It was so nice that I was able to take off my sweater.
I even ended up getting a sunburn on my face.

We headed toward the bridge first.

It's just concrete and cables but the way the cables are set makes it pleasing to the eye.

Kind of cool to be underneath looking up at it.
We sailed under it then turned around and went back the other way.

There always seem to be some industrial buildings.

This old ship wreck looks like it's been here for a very long time.

Nice spot to have a condo.

This looks like a fancy spot.

The ferry, it's so cute.

I love, love, love being out on a boat, going for a sail or a cruise, one of my favourite activities of all time!

We passed by just as they were firing off the cannon.

Time to disembark.

It was fun while it lasted.

Such a pretty boat.

The riverside is kind of a whole story or level below the rest of the city so we walked around looking for the stairs.
This part of town looks especially old, very beautiful.

We came across a couple that had just been married and were getting their wedding pictures done.

So a couple of flights to get back up, no biggie.

We headed over to City Market and found a place to have something to eat.
We picked Belford's.
It was nice enough that we were able to sit outdoors.

I ordered me a virgin Bloody Mary.

My Handsome fella!

They had a version of a Cuban.

It was a bit on the dry side so it could have used more mayo and more pickles too but it was good.

My Honey had a bacon blue cheese burger, he said it was pretty good.

After we ate, we just walked around.
We passed the pretty church again.

We walked through a few squares.

The trees are just so pretty.

Another gorgeous place.

These stairs covered in vines are like something straight out of a fairy tale garden.

Every where you looked there was something beautiful to see.

I LOOOOVE these trees.
Isn't this spectacular?

This old brick building has some old lettering on it.
I think that looks cool.

The trolley tours were done for the day so we had to walk over to where we'd parked to get the car.
Luckily it wasn't that far.
It just happened to be right next to this sign I'd seen on the side of a building on our way through yesterday so I was able to get a much better picture of it.

I love the old school Thunderbird Inn sign.

We got the vehicle then headed to our hotel to check in.
We had a heck of a time trying to find parking so in the end we just decided to go with valet parking.

This little cutie was hanging around the entrance of the hotel.
Gorgeous looking cat.

We got all checked in and we had a half size balcony but it looked down into this really nice courtyard.

There was a pool too - a little too chilly for a dip though.

We had a bit of a rest.

Then we decided to head out for supper.
We were going to call an Uber but the hotel clerk told us they have a free uber type service in Savannah.
You just have to download the app then you enter where you are and where you are going and they come and pick you up and drive you there and it's free,
It's called the Downtowner and it only runs in the evenings but what a cool service.
So that's what we did.

We'd seen a restaurant, Treylor Park, on a few vlogs that we'd watched and it looked like it had some interesting menu items so that's where we went.

It was really busy so we had a bit of a wait but it was nice out so we didn't mind.

Cool sign.

I love buildings like this with the rounded tops, they just look so nice.

The PBJ wings are what we came for so we definitely ordered those.
The Treylor Park Nachos Grande sounded good to me to so that's what I ordered.

The PB&J wings were actually pretty good.
You got the peanut butter taste and there was a jelly sauce to dip them in.
It was really runny, I would have preferred something a bit thicker but it was good.

The waffle pancakes were soooo good, the fresh strawberries up on top really made it pop, added a nice sweet, fresh taste to the dish.

My Honey ordered the 77 Monte Carlo.

Doesn't it look delicious?
It was.

After we ate, we decided to walk back to the hotel.
It wasn't that far and it was a lovely evening for a walk.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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