Sunday 22 March 2020

Finished Projects and Talent Show (Mar.6, 2020)

I woke up super early and felt like having a bath so I got up and did just that.

I do that sometimes, especially if I'm really cold, it's a good way to warm up.

The kitties were curious about what I was doing.

Professor Snuggles decided to stick around and keep me company.

My Honey met me at Sammy's (a restaurant in town) at lunch time.
They make a delicious Greek Salad that I pretty much have every time we go there.

When I got home after work, I worked on getting all my ribbon onto my shelf that I got My Honey to put up for me.

What a good fellow he is!

It's winter carnival this weekend in town and their was a talent show tonight so we headed over to watch.

Miss Z made her debut tonight with her dance class.

It's her first year of dance and she really likes it.

Looking for her mom in the crowd to make sure she was watching.

I thought they picked a great song for the little ones to dance to, a fun one that they probably all know.

There was a piano player.

Lots of dancers.

I love the 80's vibe of their costumes.

Miss A's first dance.

I loved wearing dresses that would twirl nice like this.

An older group of dancers.

Mr H and Miss Z kind of hung out with us for most of the concert.

At intermission the kiddos got all of their energy out.

I'm not really sure if it's a good thing or if it just makes it harder for them to sit through the rest.

Miss Z saw a baby that she just had to say hi too.
She's very social.

Then it was on with the show - more dancing.

Solo singing.
This little one did a pretty good job.

Miss A's second dance performance.

She did a solo!

She's improved so much since she first started in dance.

Loved these costumes.

These were great costumes too.

The talent show was fun.
I really enjoy community events like these.
We stayed afterwards and helped put the chairs away then we walked home.

We didn't stay up too late, we are heading to the pancake breakfast in the morning then picking up the kids and heading to the city for the night.

The memes about toilet paper are beginning.
For some reason, in preparation for possible quarantine, people are stocking up on toilet paper.
Some places are completely sold out, it's quite the hot commodity.

Miss H said she wanted to paint this table and her coffee table so I dropped of some sand paper to her last night.

She posted these today - she got it done already.
I think it turned out great.

She got the coffee table done too, she's quick!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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