Sunday 1 March 2020

Cupcakes and Kitties! (Feb.13, 2020)

My niece went on an unexpected trip to the city today so she asked if I could stop by her place at lunch time and let her puppies out.
Zeke was pretty excited to see me when I showed up.
I had to wait until he was outside before I could take a picture because he just kept jumping up on me.

Gizmo on the other hand wasn't as excited.

Such a handsome boy.
Mom needed to go to the store after work so we decided to pop over and visit at my son's place while we were out.

I picked Mom up after work and we headed over.

Baby F has discovered a new hobby - coloring.

Miss Z was over visiting so I got to see her too.

She gets very serious when she is doing something, it takes all of her attention.

I think she has just as much marker on her face as she does on the coloring book (maybe more).

She's very proud of herself.

I brought them over a treat.

Mini cupcakes.

She basically just ate the icing off the top.
Even though they were only mini, after the third one, I figured that was likely enough sugar for a bit.

Miss Z was in a cuddly mood.

She wanted to take selfies.

Baby F was just busy eating icing.

Good stuff!

She was thoroughly enjoying herself.

And kept going back for more.

Even though they were only mini, after the third one, I figured that was likely enough sugar for a bit.

She's becoming very independent.

She wanted to climb up with mom but did not want mom to help her.

So she had to find another spot that she could climb onto herself without any help.
I love that her little personality is starting to shine through.

When I got home, I had to hop on the treadmill for a bit to get to my 10,000 steps.

It took 45 minutes.

I was happy to have it done!

As soon as My Honey got home, Paddington had to get up there right beside him for snuggles.

I don't blame him though, I'd be snuggling up for those cuddles too.

The height of pure comfort right there!

Giving me the stink eye because I've disturbed his massage.

"Oh, he's rubbing me again, I can go back to relaxing!"

We watched a few Vlogs on Charlston and Savannah before calling it a night.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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