Tuesday 24 March 2020

New Lens (Mar.13, 2020)

I had an appointment schedule yesterday to get my new lens put into my old frames but because of our curling game, I had to reschedule it for today.
4:15 was the latest they could get me in so I had to leave the office a little early at 3:15 pm since it's an hour drive.
I worked through lunch just so I wouldn't miss anytime.

When I got there, they told me it would take about an hour so I could just come back for them.
If I'd known, I would have brought another pair of glasses with me but I didn't and I can't see without glasses really so I just sat there and waited for them.

Wish I'd brought my book!
I read magazines instead, luckily I can see pretty good close up without glasses.

Afterwards I stopped at the Coop to pick up a few groceries.
|I was surprised to see that they still had a few packages of toilet paper on the shelf there.

I listened to the Broadway station on the way home and heard this song by Julie Andrews that I'd never heard before.
I've heard of Camelot before but I've never seen it and this kind of made me interested in seeing it.
I'm going to check and see if I can rent it on Apple TV when I get home.

I had to hop on the treadmill for a bit when I got home to get to my 10, 000 steps.
Got er done!

Looking like it will be time for a dye job soon, the grey is coming on fast and furious.
(The lighting is making my hair look red here but it isn't at all, it's brown).

More memes to reflect the times.

Good advice.

I am washing my hands constantly these days.
Haven't resorted to spraying down other folks yet though. 😀

Ba ha ha - out of the mouths of babes!

It looks like this cat meme is here for the long haul.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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