Monday 23 March 2020

Almost Missed Out on My Daily Step Goal, Almost! (Mar.10, 2020)

It was a quiet day in the office today.
There was a meeting going an and pretty much was at it except for myself and SV who left after lunch for the day so I was kind of on my own.

I did get out for a walk to the road before she left.

There is still snow everywhere and I'm so ready for it to be gone.

I had left over meatloaf for lunch and it was yummy!

I kind of had a case of the munchies this afternoon.
I tried to keep it under control, I think I did pretty well.
They'd ordered in a ton of pizza for the meeting and it smelled so good that I just had to have a piece.
I only had one small one and it was worth it.

I also had some peanuts - the kind you have to shell.
They are a bit more work so I tend to not eat as many as I would if they were already shelled.

Fear of the Covid 19 virus really has taken a grip on everything.
My son doesn't even want to leave the house.
I wish I could help to ease his anxiety but I'm not sure how to.
Of course it makes sense that a person needs to take certain precautions but you can't just shut down your life.
This will pass then it will just be another thing and living life in a constant state of worry and anxiety is draining and unhealthy.

I was just sitting here admiring my wall when I got home from work, I really like how it turned out.

My Honey had made tacos and green chile chicken soup for supper.

I made my taco into a salad.
The whole meal was delicious.

Afterwards I could barely keep my eyes open.
It was 6:30 and I was seriously considering going to bed.
I forgot all about my 10,000 steps and if My Honey hadn't reminded me, I may not have gotten them at all.

He did remind me though so I went down and hopped on the treadmill until I got them.
It took almost 40 minutes but I did it.

So happy I didn't miss out on a day of 10,000 steps for something as silly as just plain forgetting.

I figured it would wake me right up and I wouldn't be able to go to bed but I was wrong.
I was in my bed by 8:30.
I read my book for about 20 minutes then it was off to dreamland for me.

I don't know why but this cracked me up!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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