Thursday 26 March 2020

Movie Day (Mar.21, 2020)

We had a nice little sleep in this morning.
When we got up, I got busy working on the growth chart for Baby F and My Honey made us breakfast.

Eggs, sausage and biscuits - yum yum!!!

I got the growth chart done finally and I like how it turned out.

The kitties spent their afternoon curled up together.

My Honey and I watched an old movie.
State Fair.
We enjoyed it.

I did walk on the treadmill a tiny bit this morning but instead of going back on to get all my steps, My Honey and I decided to go out for a walk instead.

My son & his family left for Barrhead today so they weren't home for us to go visit.
Instead we just walked around town until I reached my step goal.

When we got home, we decided to watch another movie.
We settled on Maleficent.
It was really good.

I saw this on Facebook today and thought it was so funny.
This family came home and found their dog lying like this in the middle of the kitchen.
Of course it scared the crap out of them.

Turns out he just got into a bottle of jam, little bugger.

We had a nice, quiet day and it was wonderful.
That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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