Sunday 1 March 2020

Buyer's Remorse (Feb.14, 2020)

It's Friday or as I like to call it, Fri-Yay!
My favorite day of the week!

Today was the last day for the weight loss competition so I had to weigh in.
Unfortunately I was up!
Everyone else weighed in and I sent out the results.
I was not in the top three, surprise, surprise!

Ever since I picked up the new phone last week, I've been thinking that I really don't want to change my phone number so I called to Bell to see if there was any way that I could get around it.
They told me my only option really is to return the phone.

They have a 'Buyer's Remorse' policy which allows you to return the phone and cancel the plan within 14 days of purchase and I decided that is what I wanted to do.
Since we are heading out next week, today was my only chance to do that so I left work a little early and headed to the city.

One of the stipulations of the return policy was that you had to return it to the same place you purchased it from.
I headed straight to the mall and got there around 3:30.

There was a show going on as I walked by so I stopped to watch for a bit.

Saying 'hi' to the audience.

It took over an hour to get the phone returned which I kind of figured but I got it done so that's the main thing.
I still want to get a new phone but there is no rush.

I stopped at the food court for some supper.
There was a new Poke place there so I decided to try one of their bowls.

It was just ok, not sure if I'd get it again.
I only had a few bites and that was kind of enough for me.

Since the weight loss competition was over and I didn't eat much supper, I thought I'd treat myself with one of my favorites.

Frozen yogurt.
It was super tasty!

I walked around the mall to get some steps in and ended up finding a pair of jeans that I actually liked.
I've been looking for a bit and they are all either skinny jeans or wide leg and I like neither of those.
I also wanted a dark blue jean and for some reason I was having a lot of trouble finding them.
Today was my lucky day though! 

After I got my steps in at the mall, I hit the road for home but I first stopped at the Italian market to pick My Honey up one of his favorite sandwiches.

Today was the anniversary of my Auntie Janet's passing.
I can't believe it's been 22 years.
She was such a light in all of our lives and dear, dear soul whom I will always treasure my memories of.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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