Wednesday 25 March 2020

League Champs! (Mar.16, 2020)

Monday, Monday, my least favorite day of the week has arrived.

I weighed in first thing, feel like I'm finally making some progress.

SG got back from her vacation over the weekend but because of Covid 19, our company announced on Friday that anyone returning from out of the country would need to self quarantine for 2 weeks so she'll be working from home and I'll be continuing to work from her office for the next 2 weeks.

It's really blown up over the last few days, everything is shutting down and being cancelled.
Strangely I don't feel that concerned, maybe I should?

I'm ok with everything they are doing though, I think if we can slow the spread to the folks that it poses a real danger too then we should.

I do hope that it doesn't continue on for months and months though.

We were going to book a trip to Iceland in May and to PEI in July but we are holding off for now, good thing we did.

Work was busy, I had to get payroll finalized first thing this morning as the deadline was noon.
I normally don't like to leave things so last minute.
I got it all done though.

When I went home for lunch, I threw some chicken breast into the slow cooker with some salsa and got that cooking for supper.
I watched last nights episode of Sister Wives then I headed back to the office.

The afternoon went by pretty quickly.
We had a line break this morning so the guys were busy all day.
Such a bummer when that happens.

After work I stopped at the store to get a few things.
There was actually some toilet paper at the store.
I have plenty at home so I didn't grab any, it sure is a hot commodity lately though.

When I walked into the house, the smell of the chicken cooking was delicious.
I made rice, riced cauliflower, black beans and chick peas to go with it.

My salsa chicken dish.
It tasted really good.

I had to head out to curling.
It's the final game of the season, whichever team wins tonight wins League for the year.
We are playing against a tough team too.

This is kind of how it went.
End 1 - 1 for us
End 1 - 1 for them
End 3 - 1 for us
End 4 - 1 for us (we were feeling good at this point)
End 5 - they got 2 and tied it up
End 6 - they got 2 more so now they were up by two and I was thinking this was where we were going to unravel.
End 7 - we got a point so we were still down 1 but feeling optimistic.
Final End - we played awesome. We tucked a couple right in the house and had them guarded really well so by the time their skip was shooting, it was almost impossible for her to get at them.
We got 3 points and we won.
We were really proud of ourselves.
It was a tough game, the ice was heavy and we did A LOT of sweeping.
I was sweaty and done out by the end of the game.

I told the girls I wanted to take their picture so they showed me their 'good' side.

I did get this nice on of AD and KS though.

I figured I'd get a pic of SH's good side too while I was at it.

I tried to get a selfie of us all but it didn't work out that great.

So when we went back upstairs, I got one of the girls to take a team picture of us.
I don't think I've ever gotten one of us before.

When I got home, I worked on my blog a little before calling it a night and heading to bed.

And the memes just keep on coming.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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