Sunday 1 March 2020

Family Day (Feb.17, 2020)

Even though today is a Stat Holiday and therefore a day off, I went to work anyway.
I wanted to have more than one day at the office this week so I could make sure to get a few things done before we head out.

I've lapsed into the 'vacation mode' line of thought as far as food goes so I kind of binged over the weekend.
Can't hide that from the scale though.

It was quiet being the only one at work so I got A LOT done!
There were some family day activities going on in town and I was going to leave work a bit early because I thought my SIL and the kids were participating but turns out she wasn't feeling great so they were home having a movie day.
So I worked until 5 but then I stopped by to see them.

I had gotten Valentine chocolates for the kiddos and I wanted to drop them off even though I'm a couple of days late.

Mr H was happy about the chocolate but also happy just to see me.

Miss A wasted no time in trying out hers.

I think she liked it.

My Honey had brought me home a couple burgers yesterday.
So I was able to enjoy one last night, then another again today.
I skipped the bun but had some chips on the side instead.

When My Honey got home from work, we went over to visit Baby F as we'll be heading to the city right after he gets home from work tomorrow night.

She brought him a book to read to her first thing.

Look how happy she is, the bond they are forming is so special.

Some of her 'baby-ness' is going away, I think I'll always call her 'The Baby' though no matter how old she gets.

She's saying more words these days and very clearly too.
Only when she wants to though!

I envision many sessions like this in our future.

She is really good at finding the things we ask her to, she's one smart little cookie.

Time for some supper, my son was late getting home from work today.

I love my silly boy.
He's always had a goofy, silly side which I enjoy so much.

I think she has inherited it.

My Honey hadn't eaten yet either so we headed home.
I'd gotten quite a few steps in today already so I was able to meet my goal by just walking back and forth in the living room for a bit.

I'm quite excited about our trip coming up, truth be told though, I'm also dreading the flying a little bit.
Logically I know flying is very safe but I still get a bit anxious as the time to get on the plane draws nearer.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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