Sunday 1 March 2020

Another Day, Another Visit with The Baby! (Feb.11, 2020)

I had more meetings again this morning so I missed out on coffee again.
Oh well, there is always tomorrow.

I was late getting home for lunch but My Honey had it all prepared for me.
Homemade hash browns, omelet and bacon.
So good.

My afternoon was super busy too - I'm feeling a bit like I have way too much to do and I just don't know when I'm going to get it done.

I met My Honey at the store after work and we went over to my son's to drop off some of the cake that he made yesterday.

Miss Z and her dad were there visiting.

She wanted me to take a picture of her being a little monster.

I had to take a video too.

Baby F was attached right to My Honey as soon as he came in.

She looks so cute sitting in his arms like that.

My Honey had to run back out to the truck for something so while he was gone, I did manage to get her to come over and give me a hug and get a picture but she didn't stick around long.

As soon as he came back in the house she was right back with him.

Miss Z wanted to be over there too but wanted to be silly for the picture.

He so dotes on her and in return, she is just enthralled with him.
It's very sweet.

Miss Z had to show me Baby F's new sheets and comforter.

We played in there for a bit.

For some reason, putting plastic ball in our clothes has become the new fun thing.

Stuffing balls in our shirts is the new fun thing to do.

Balls, balls and more balls.

Miss Z tucked her shirt in so the balls wouldn't fall out the bottom and started stuffing.
I think she even fit a few more in after this.

Then everyone was putting them in My Honey's shirt.
He was trying to get them to clean up the balls and put them away but it wasn't really going his way.
They'd get them all cleaned up then the girls would just dump them all over again.
It was funny.

Kicking back on her rocking chair.

Little climber here loves to get into her high chair herself and bounce.

We stayed for about an hour then we headed home.
I had barely left my office today so I had a lot of steps to get.
I knew I was going to be on the treadmill for a long time so I wanted to get at it.

I put on the last episode of The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel and got busy.
I'm so bummed that it's over and now I have to wait for another season again.
As expected, it took me over an hour to get to 10,000 steps on the treadmill.
If I could jog it would go faster I think but my ankles and the backs of my feet are hurting and the faster I go, the more they bother me so I try to be mindful of that.
I don't want to injure them further and not be able to walk on them at all.

Happy to be done with my work out.

My Honey made pizza and bread for supper and it smelled divine.
I couldn't wait to have a piece.

I could have eaten a few slices but I was good and only ate one.
It was enough too, I was full when I finished.

We watched some Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives before calling it a night.
My Honey is back to work tomorrow then when he is done next week, we are off on vacation.
Can't wait!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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