Saturday 21 March 2020

Eye Exam and New Boots (Feb.28, 2020)

I wanted to try to get in to see the Optometrist before the end of the month so that I could use up some funds in my health care spending account before the expired.
I called yesterday hoping I could get in and lo and behold, they had a cancellation for today so I left work a bit early and headed to Barrhead.

My eyes changed only slightly but I still wanted to get new lens, mine are a bit scratched up.
I couldn't be bothered to look for new frames so I just ordered the lens.

When I left there, I headed to a Western Wear store in town to have a look.
I had this urge to buy some little cowboy boots for Baby F.
They had a couple options that came in her size and I couldn't decide so I took pictures to send to My Honey and get his opinion.
I'm a pink girl so I liked these.

These had no pink but I liked the design on them.

The looked more authentic to me.

These had nice designs too.

These are the ones I ended up buying.

When I got home, I had to get on the treadmill for a bit to make it to my 10,000 steps.

Felt good to get it done!

The kids were over again for a bit - my brother had to work late.

They are just all about those video games lately.
My Honey and I were both tired so we just let them play.

They actually ended up spending the night but they slept downstairs with mom because My Honey had to get up and go to work in the morning.
He wouldn't have had much of a sleep if they'd stayed with us.
They didn't mind though and went straight to bed without complaint when we told them it was time.

That's all for today, until next time, be happy!

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