Wednesday 4 March 2020

A Day In Charleston (Feb.20, 2020)

We didn't sleep in as long as I thought I might but I was ok with that.
Gave me some time to relax and have a shower.

The hotel had a free shuttle to the airport so we booked it for 11:30 so we could pop over and pick up our rental.

We went outside to wait and it was just raining buckets out there.

Noticed they had a street named after Darius Rucker on the way over to the airport (or a boulevard I guess).

I like the license plates.
I thought it was a bird on the tree but I found out later it was actually the moon, not a bird.

We'd left our luggage at the hotel so we went back to pick it up.

The rain was really coming down but it was nice and mild.

Our rental had Washington plates.
It was a Nissan Altima which we'd never had before.
Renting cars on our trips is a really great opportunity to test drive different vehicles.

It's a nice looking car.
We did find that the side mirrors were small which seemed to make the blind spot larger.

We headed downtown to find a place to go for breakfast.

We found a place to park downtown then walked around.

There were some very beautiful buildings.

We were wanting to go to Callie's Hot Little Biscuits for breakfast and we had a hard time finding it.
Eventually I had to get out the GPS on my phone and turns out we'd passed it.

So we had to back track a bit.
We did find it eventually but no wonder we'd had difficulty, it was just a small little place.

This was pretty much the whole inside.

We saw this place on quite a few of the vlogs we'd watched on Charleston and everyone gave it rave reviews.

I just love biscuits so I was pretty stoked about this menu.

My Honey ordered the pimento cheese biscuit.

I had the blackberry jam.

They were warm, like they'd just come out of the oven and they were gigantic and fluffy.
They were some of the best biscuits I'd ever tasted.
If I lived near by, I think I'd be there every single day.

We tried a few mini's too.

Cinnamon, black pepper bacon and cheese & chive.
The cinnamon was fabulous but the blackberry was by far my favorite.
I'd give it a 5 star rating - Yum, Yummy, Yummest!!!

We walked around a little but the rain was really coming down and we were getting wet.

So we found a Starbucks, went in and grabbed a coffee then sat down to figure out what we wanted to do next.

They had quite the mural in there of the two tailed mermaid.

I thought it was really pretty.

The Charleston Museum of History was nearby so we decided today would be a good museum day and we headed over there.

This statue was just inside the museum.


I thought this was a dinosaur, turns out, it was a whale.

What a sad story, that whale never stood a chance.

Pretty fabulous chandelier.

This is a trough that was carved out of log.
Pretty cool.

Pretty awesome horse's trough.

I learned  something I found very interesting at the museum today.
When I first saw this, I thought it was a headboard from a bed.
Turns out it was a Grave Rail.

They used to use these wooden grave markers as an alternative to expensive stone ones and they were designed to look like headboards to show that the deceased were 'at rest'.
I had no idea.

This is a painting of a church and it's cemetery and you can see some of the grave rails in the forefront.

Cool medicine case.

A fancy sewing case.

Quite the fancy sewing case.

I kind of liked this pottery figure. 

Slave Badges.

I'd never heard of these before.

I was curious about where they wore them but I guess they just had to make sure they had them on hand.

A close up of how they looked.

I thought it was interesting.

Carpenter Slave Badge

The biggest mortar and pestle I've ever seen.
Can you imagine having to bang this thing all day?
How tough that must have been.

Reward offer for a runaway slave.

Tin Stencil

Another - I'd love to have a stencil like this, it's neat.

A brass stencil.

I'm not sure why the stencils caught my eye but they did.

Cool old cabinet.

Shoe buckles.
Powder horn - The intricate pattern is amazing.

Another example.

I liked all the detail work on this chair.

I think this was a game table of some sort.

I noticed that the playing cards didn't have numbers on them.

There was a wall of architectural items which of course caught my eye.

Like this corbal.

Leaf shaped knobs and handles.

I love all this old stuff.

I like the scroll shape.

A bale of cotton.

Interesting pin cushions.

The doll/lady was my favourite.

The stamps or stencils they used to use.

Textile Pattern Blocks is what they called them.

This was a sewing kit, how cool.

While I do enjoy sewing, I'm glad things have changed, not sure I would want to do it all the time.

Old gown.

Faded sign, I like the shape.

I think these items were all from various businesses.

More signs.

And more, I like them.


I always find Apothecary information interesting.

They were open all hours, day or night, wow.

Look at all the bottles of things in there.

I like the blue color of the shelves.

Thank goodness dentistry has evolved over the years.

Amputation kit.

The picture is disturbing.

Imagine having to carry one of these around and even worse, to actually have to use it.

These reminded me of the cups my massage therapist uses on me.

I knew they used to use leaches for bloodletting, I had no idea they used a tool like this.

A travelling merchants trunk full of goodies.

Salesman Sample Trunk (same thing)

Not sure if this was an alligator or a crocodile.


Something I had no idea existed until right now....

A giant ground sloth.
Guess they were probably to slow to be scary.

Some animals indigenous to the area.




Fox - what a pretty animal.

Racoons - I think they are pretty cute too.

Wild cat

Some of the species of bird from the area.

Lots of different birds in the area.

I like the spiky black feathers on his head - reminds me of a mohawk.

Aww, what a cute little duck.

Love the guy with the big head.


Those big eyes make them look like they are so inquisitive.

The big, predator birds.

Not sure why they had Egyptian stuff in the museum?

But they did.

Another Egyptian artifact.

Creepy looking vulture.

More birds.

I don't think I've ever seen a giraffe skeleton before.

Some monkeys and other tree critters.


This bears mouth looks almost caroony for some reason.

Alligator in a jar.

An actual mummy.

Bronze Cat Mummy Case.

What a fabulous doll house.

There was a fashion exhibit, I think I started at the wrong spot.
It noted some of the different fashion trends in each era.
I thought the comments they made were both interesting and amusing.



Ha ha - leg hair is too erotic to be seen in public.


I was in a play in high school and it was set in the 1920's so we got to wear costumes like this.

I actually like this dress, I'd wear it now if I had the figure for it.

I didn't get the year but it must have been 1940-1950

Imagine how uncomfortable this must have been?
Pretty though.

No wonder they were expensive, they were huge, took tons of material to make them.

I love the description of the fashionable body!

I'm a shoe girl so I really enjoyed this part of the exhibit.

Early version of 'kitten heels'.

I didn't realize adding a flower to your shoe made your foot look smaller!
What a great tip, ha ha!

Ha ha, 'the hot look of 1920 and 2019"!

These make me think of all those dancers from the old black and white movies.

Not really into pointy toed shoes myself.
"Pointy shoes are back because men design shoes"
Ha ha - that made me laugh out loud.

I'd also never heard of mourning pendants until I saw this display.

There were all kinds of them.

Yes, that is what you are seeing, an alligator key fob.

Wouldn't want to be the person who fell while trying to scale this fence.

There was a large display of guns which didn't really interest me.

I did take notice of this fancy one though.

There were smaller pistols too.
I'm not a gun person so a quick glance was all I needed.

They had some uniforms on display.

Weaving loom, I've always wanted to learn how to use one of these.

Dental bridges - bet they were comfortable (not),

There was a courtyard at the museum that we could have explored but it was raining too hard.

It was a really good museum, great way to spend a rainy afternoon.

At the front was the a replica of the Hunley submarine.
My Honey was stoked to see that and even more so to find out that the actual Hunley that they'd pulled up out of the ocean was at it's own museum outside of town and it was open to visitors on Saturdays.
We are absolutely going to take advantage and go check it out while we are here.

The rain was coming down pretty hard but we had no choice, we had to walk in it to get to our vehicle.
It wasn't so bad, we didn't melt or anything.

When we finished up at the museum, it was about time for supper so we looked in my little brown book and found one of the places that I had listed from our research.

Poogan's Porch

It's a house that has been converted into a restaurant.
Nice old house too.

There were different dining rooms with different decor.
I love the huge windows all along the wall.

I like the big old fan.

They brought us biscuits and soft butter when we sat down.

They had window panes done up with these leaves, it looked cool, they had them all down the wall.

There were very nice, old pieced of furniture in there too.

The wall paper was kind of cool.

We ordered the fried green tomatoes.

I also got the She-crab soup - It had kind of a strange taste that I wasn't crazy about, My Honey really liked it though.

I had the chicken fried pork, it came with potatoes and brussel sprouts.
It was really good.

My Honey had the shrimp and grits.
Aren't the dishes great?

They had coconut, caramel bread pudding that we just had to try and OMG, it was FABULOUS!
I savoured every bite.
We shared the one dessert but I could easily have eaten one to myself.

ON the way out we noticed some old menus with signatures on them.

Some were famous signatures, like Ronald Regan for instance.

I've not ever seen rolling pins displayed this way.

This was doorway into the dining areas, so fancy!

More famous former diners.
Jodie Foster

Barbara Streisand

Jim Carry and Lauren Holly

It was a really good meal and I'm glad we were able to experience it.

After we ate, we headed to my favourite place....


They have a ton of nice stuff just in their lobby, before you even get in the store.

I am so in love with this store.
It's probably a good thing that there aren't any near me because I'd be broke.

All the white stuff - makes me happy!

These so would have been coming home with me if I could have fit them in my suitcase.

Just some cool things I saw.
I bought a few things then we headed over to Trader Joe's so My Honey could restock his hot sauce that he likes.

We got some white cheddar corn puffs - yum yum.

I like their paper bags.

We also got some dark chocolate almond butter cups to try.
They weren't bad.

I got a couple of calendars for 1.80 each - awesome deal!!!!

My other Hobby Lobby finds.

Mermaid drawer pulls.

Love the little barn.

This also was on sale for cheap, so cute.

Got this to put on a wreath.

Cute little sign with a great message.

Stickers for my niece, Miss M.
They too were a great price, on clearance for 5 bucks.

I got a heavy duty blade for my cricut too, 40 % off!

Got this for my niece too, she and my mom used to say this to each other all the time.
It was something my mom used to say all the time.

New measuring spoons.

A new platter.

Some hot chips for My Honey.

Some Chex Mix for me.

Almonds and pistachios - they were no good!

Toffee chips, half milk chocolate, half dark chocolate - they were super good.

Finally, a 100% dark chocolate bar for my niece.

We got back to our room around 9, watched some tv then called it a night.

Looking forward to tomorrow's adventures.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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