Sunday 22 March 2020

Edmonton with The Kids (Mar.7, 2020)

We didn't get as early of a start as we wanted this morning but we weren't on any strict schedule so it didn't really matter.
We stopped at the community center, the pancake breakfast was going on and we hadn't really planned on eating but we did anyway.

A local community group, 'Communities in Bloom', had a booth in the craft market and my friend is in the group so I wanted to buy something to support them.

I ended up getting a woven floor mat.

One of the ladies bought a loom second hand and has been trying her hand at it.
I think that would be a totally fun thing to try if I had the room.

It was around 11:00 when we finally picked up the kids.

They were pretty excited about the trip.

Didn't take long for them to break into their travel snacks.

We stopped in Westlock at Tim Horton's for a pee break and let the kids get a treat.

Just the first of many treats to follow this weekend I'm sure.

My sweet boy.

We popped into Morinville because I'm looking for IOD transfers and according to google, there's a place here that carries them.
While driving around looking for the store, we came across this funky looking place I had no idea was here.

It had these wavy lines.

And stucco over brick.
Pretty neat place.

We couldn't find the store though.
I looked up the directions and it was out on this range road.
So we followed the directions and it took us to a house.
I called the number and turns out it was the right place but the store isn't quite open yet.
So I didn't get to buy any transfers there.

We did get to see a bunch of elk on the way out though.

They are nice looking animals.

We told the kids they could each pick one thing they wanted to do and we would try to do that.
They picked Galaxy Land and swimming.

We decided to get something to eat first before heading to the mall and we let Miss A pick the place, she picked Red Lobster as she very recently discovered how much she likes shrimp.

We told Mr H that he could pick the place tomorrow.

He was ok with that and took a silly picture with My Honey just to prove it.

They bring free biscuits to the table which is awesome.
I haven't met many biscuits that I didn't like.

I ordered myself a virgin caesar.

We got the coconut shrimp with pina colada sauce so Miss A could try them.
She didn't like them but she did like the regular shrimp she ordered for her meal.

My Honey had the broccoli dynamite shrimp.

I ordered a platter that had scallops, clams, shrimp and fish.
I didn't care for their tartar sauce but the seafood was great.

Mr H didn't want any dessert but Miss A did.
We let her order what she wanted and she picked the cheesecake with strawberries.
I had a bit and it was really good.

We had a box full of leftovers that we couldn't finish and I was looking forward to eating it later in the hotel but when we were getting in the truck, a homeless man came over looking for food so we gave it to him.
He looked so cold, I felt really bad.
I found some gloves in the truck to give to him but by then he was long gone.

We headed to the mall and let the kids each pick something out at Homesense.
Miss A picked two pictures for her bedroom and Mr H picked a toy and an umbrella?

In the mall right by Homesense they have a little train that goes around the mall.
It must be just new because we've never seen it before.
We let the kids go for a ride on it.

As soon as they left, I ran into my brother A and my SIL coming out of a store in the mall.
Since we have the kids for the night, they took the opportunity to come to the city themselves.

After the train ride, they wanted to ride the plushies.

Mr H just loves it.

Miss A really enjoys it too actually.

Zipping around the mall on these things is great fun.

He had to exchange half way through for a new one to see if it was faster.

Next stop was Galaxy Land.
Thank goodness the whole thing wasn't rented out like last time.
The first ride Mr H tried out was the airplane ride.

I think he really liked it.

While we were waiting for the next ride, they wanted to try out the coin operated rides.

She thought it was funny.

Carousel was next.

They wouldn't let us go in to stand by the kids without us buying tickets so Mr H was a little frightened to go by himself but he did it!

He was unsure at first but he's warming up to it now.
Maybe not the most exciting ride for an almost 10 year old.

Brave enough to go one handed.

Next up, a twirly ride.

She enjoyed it more than he did.
She was being a good big sister though and showing concern for him when she realized he might not be liking it.
Very sweet of her.
They fight but they love each other fiercely too.

He wasn't loving it but I don't think he was scared.
We wasn't disappointed when the ride was over.

I've never seen cotton candy like this before.

Miss A wanted to try the pirate ship ride.

I've always been scared of it myself but not her, she was right in there.

She was loving it.

She's far braver than I am.

I was worried to let her get on it by herself but she was like an old pro.

Mr H went on the kiddie roller coaster next.

He was smiling when it started but not when it finished.
I was watching him and I could tell that he was scared but I couldn't stop it for him.
I felt so bad but he was ok once he got off of it.

Miss A went on this crazy ride all by herself.
I couldn't get a picture of her during the ride because it went to fast.

So I just snapped one of her getting off the ride.
She's a dare devil that one.

Next they played kind of a laser race game.
The lady was explaining how to play.

On your mark.....

You had to run around the room and hit the lights as they lit up.

I think I would have liked doing this one myself.

The kids went on a few more rides and we closed the place down (it closes at 7).

We planned on going to a movie but we didn't make it in time so we just walked around the mall a little.

Took advantage of a few picture props.

OOOH, she looks like the enforcer of the team.

He looks like one of those kids whose parents dragged him to an early morning hockey practice when he would have rathered stay in bed.

We got some french fries to share with the kids but they wouldn't try them.
More for My Honey & I that way.

We got yogurt ice creams with all the toppings and sat and ate them.

I sat at a table by myself, the kids wanted to be with My Honey.
(The tables were actually right beside each other)

Little mermaid.

Scary pirate.

He wasn't quite tall enough for this one.

Or this one.

They wanted to go on the train one more time on our way out of the mall and they wanted My Honey to go with them this time.

It was close to 9 when we got to the hotel.
The parking lot was full so My Honey dropped us at the door with the luggage and went to park.
I noticed a bag with some fruit in the truck that I didn't want to freeze overnight but I didn't have an extra hand so I told him to bring it with him.

When he came in after, I noticed right away that he didn't have the bag so I mentioned it and he went back and got it.

We got to the room and I tried to convince the kids that we should go to the pool in the morning but they were determined to go tonight so we did.

We swam for about an hour.

Running back to the room in their towels.

We ordered pizza and the kids played while we waited for it.

Mr H had brought his minion backpack with him full of toys and he couldn't find it in the room so right away he blamed My Honey for forgetting it.
It was kind of funny.

Pizza arrived!

We pushed the two beds together so there would be no fighting over who slept with who and the kids thought that was just great.

The pizza was pretty darn good.

I think the kids really enjoyed the day and we still have the science center to go to tomorrow.

That is all for today, until tomorrow, be happy!

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