Sunday 1 March 2020

Vacation Time is Here (Almost)! (Feb.18, 2020)

Today was a super busy day at work.
Even though I worked yesterday, I still had a lot of stuff I wanted to try to finish up before I left today.

I planned on working through lunch but had to go home long enough to check into our flights.
I headed straight back to the office though and worked my tail off right until home time, I even worked a bit late.

When I got home, I hopped on the treadmill to make it to my 10,000 steps, then I packed for our trip.

My Honey works until 7 so I just kind of waited around all evening for him to get home.
I knew he still needed to pack then we'd be heading in to the city.

8 pm rolled around, then 9, then 10 and still no sign of him.
They were having lots of issues out there and he called to say that he was still going to be quite a bit longer so we made the decision to just head to the city early in the morning.

I still just sat around and waited for him.
I have a hard time going to sleep when he's out in the field working late like that.
It was midnight before he finally got home.

He packed so we'd be ready to get up and go.
Our flight is scheduled to leave at 10:30 am but in order to get there in time, we'll still have to up and on the road by 5 am.

Miss H posted this sweet picture of she and Baby F today.
Two beauties!

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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