Saturday 21 March 2020

BBQ Day! (Mar.1, 2020)

Quiet day in the hood today.
I got up just after My Honey left for work, made myself a coffee and found something to watch.
First I watched some Bringing Up The Bates on YouTube.
I sure wish I could get that show here, maybe someday.

Then I tried out Ricky Gervais' new show, After Life.

It was kind of dark but funny also.
I do think Ricky Gervais is very funny, I like his kind of humor.
The show was ok, I'll likely end up watching the rest of it but I'm not dying to get back to watching it right now or anything.

I was getting up every hour and walking around until I got 500 steps.
I went out and shovelled off our front steps and walkway.
Boy was that ever a wake up call for how out of shape I've gotten.
It was H-A-R-D, HARD!
I didn't even do that much and I was out of breath when I finished.
I didn't even attempt the driveway.

It was BBQ day at work for My Honey.

He made the guys out there a bacon wrapped meatloaf.
He also got a Berry crumble ready to cook on the BBQ.

He added lots of crumble, that's my favorite part.

Hot out of the oven, looks yummy!

I made myself a chicken sandwich with gouda cheese, broccoli sprouts and cranberry chutney, yum, yum.

I worked on the growth chart a bit too.

Pulled the stencil for the lettering off and cleaned it up a bit.
I also dug out the numbers we'd picked up and set them up on it to see how they'd look.

I like it but I think I want to add some flower transfers to it too.
I just need to find some first.
I know that she sells some really nice ones at Sentimental Salvage and Design in Myrnam, AB but that's quite the drive just for some transfers.

By the end of the day, I'd gotten over 45 minutes in on the treadmill.
Not too shabby.

Saw this on facebook, someone turned it into a utensil holder.
Looks great.

Yup and I'm one of them!

My Honey was late getting home from work so I didn't have a whole lot of time to visit with him before I headed off to bed.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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