Monday 23 March 2020

Craft Room Complete (Almost) (Mar.11, 2020)

There was another day of meetings in the office today so that meant another quiet day for me.

I weighed in again just to see where I was.

I had a meeting of my own that went quite long so I ended up decided to just stay and work through lunch.
There was still lots of pizza left over from yesterday so I just had a couple of slices for lunch.

The afternoon flew by really quickly which was great.

I had left over green chile chicken soup for supper and watched Grey's Anatomy.
It was the one where they explained Alex Korev's leaving.
I'm not sure if I really like how they ended him?

My Honey had nailed some boards into the top of one of the shelves he put up for me in my craft room so I was able to put my material all away on it.

I got a couple containers emptied out and lots put away.

I'm really happy with how it turned out.

I'm thinking I might get My Honey to make me one more thing.
A tall table to go against this wall just to have extra space to set things that I'm working on.
Like wood if I'm painting or trees if I'm gluing them together.

I'm loving this rug I picked up at the craft sale on the weekend.
Paddington loves it too and can usually be found lounging on it!

I did some cleaning up around the house - the mood doesn't strike me often so I need to take advantage when it does.

I was hoping to get in my 10,000 steps too without having to get on the treadmill.
I was around 8500 when I sat down.
I was going to have a little break then head downstairs but instead, I just paced the floor when Home Town came on and got my steps in that way.

The World Health Organization declared Covid 19 a pandemic today.
I'm not really sure what that means.
We thought work might send out an email outlining new rules to follow but there was nothing.
I'm still not that concerned about it, maybe I should be?

I feel like even if a person does get it, their chances of survival are remarkably high.
I don't know if that is foolish or not but I also don't see the sense in stressing out over it.
I'm being careful to wash my hands often and aside from that, what else can a person really do?
I'm not planning to travel to any of the places the government is advising not to.
In fact, we've kind of put all of our travel plans on hold for now.

I guess it's kind of just a waiting game now for it to either run its course of for a vaccination to be found.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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