Saturday 21 March 2020

Catching Up with Some of the Family (Feb.27, 2020)

One nice thing about getting back from vacation in the middle of the week is that it's almost the weekend already!

Decided to weigh in this morning just to see where I was at.
Quite a drop from yesterday but that happens a lot after I travel.

Brought my new lotion to the office, it smells soooooo yummy!
Alberta is pretty dry so I'm sure I'll be using it A LOT!

Work flew by, it always does when I'm busy.
Before I knew it, it was time to go home.

We had some company this evening.

Miss Z came over.

My brother dropped the kiddos off to so he & my SIL could run to WCT and do some shopping.

They love playing video games, we try to limit the time they spend on it but we just let them go at it tonight.

Miss Z wasn't in the least bit interested in the video games.

Neither was Baby F, she just wanted popcorn.

She's kind of lost in a reverie.

Mom was happy to see everyone although she did have company while we were gone and my brother came and took her to his place for supper a few times.

Baby F has discovered coloring and she's totally into it.

She still likes to ham it up for the camera.
Those side eyes she gives are hilarious.

It's something the whole family can do together.

She's becoming a lot more vocal, she clearly knows how to say 'mine'!

After coloring, it was time for a snack.

She discovered a new way to eat the peaches.

First you pour them all out onto the counter, then you scoop them back into the dish with the spoon then you pour directly into your mouth from the dish.

Soon enough, it was time to go.

She ran over and gave Miss A a hug all on her own.

Not everyone was happy about leaving.

Giving hugs is hard work, she needed a little break.

After the kids all left, Paddington magically re-appeared.

I still had some steps to get so I went down and hopped on the treadmill.

Felt good to get it done!

This made me think of My Honey, he doesn't have a purse of course but he has chapsticks all over the place.
He's lost without it.
Someone made this awesome dragon out of snow.
(Not around here, I just saw it on Facebook).

This is also something I found on facebook.
Someone used IOD molds, clay, paint and ribbon to glam up this notebook.
It looks great.
Makes me want to get creative.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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