Wednesday 25 March 2020

Colouring Fun (Mar.19, 2020)

I was still working from SG's office but I had to print out some labels in a back office so I did lots of running around the office this morning.

I tried to catch BN with his feet up but I wasn't fast enough.

My Honey sent me a teaser picture.

Ready for the oven.
He told me to text when I was on my way home for lunch and he'd put them in the oven so they'd be ready when I got home.

What a lucky girl I am, I arrived home to hot biscuits, fresh out of the oven.

He even made raspberry jam from scratch to go with them.
Full disclosure, I ate 4 biscuits for lunch.
They were worth every single calorie.

I took biscuits and jam back to the office with me to share with the others and they greatly appreciated it.

After work, Baby F and her daddy dropped by for a visit.

Kind of managed to get a half selfie.

My Honey joined in on the coloring.

So did my son.

She was very happy that everyone joined her.

She gets very focused on the task at hand sometimes.

I think my boy was enjoying the coloring just as much as she was.

Kids really just love when you do anything with them, it doesn't really matter what it is.

After they left, I had some leftover laksa soup for supper.
It was just as delicious today.

Ha ha ha.
I don't know who Karen is be she get a lot of back talk 😉😉

I used to love Family Circle when I was younger.
Just a guess, but I'm pretty sure this is NOT authentic.
Still funny though.

I didn't have to hop on the treadmill, reached the 10,000 mark just from my activity today.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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