Friday 27 March 2020

My Own Personal Chef (Mar.24, 2020)

I think one of my favorite things about working from home so far is that I don't even have to put my bra on! 😁

Also, when My Honey is home too, he feeds me.
He made us sausage and egg bagel sandwiches for breakfast and he even delivered right to my desk.

Next he cooked up ginger biscuits with mixed fruit on the bottom.
It smelled divine and I could hardly wait to try one.

He had some extra dough so he made some extra biscuits.
I'm pretty sure they will not be going to waste.

After I was done work, we went down to the store and picked up a few things.
Some tortillas for supper and cool whip for dessert.

My Honey had smoked some pork yesterday and he made into chilli.
It was sweet and spicy and smokey and just fabulous.

Then I had some of the mixed fruit topped with ginger biscuit and cool whip.
The best.
To be honest, I had two helpings!

My Honey had to go back to work tomorrow and I'm sure going to miss him.

I did the same thing today, went down and got on the treadmill for a few minutes each hour until I reached my 10,000 steps.

My sister posted this on Facebook today and I thought she dyed her hair pink but she said it's just drywall dust.
She's getting ready to sell her house so she's been busy fixing things.
She's very handy (and beautiful)!

I've been seeing a bit about this Netflix show in social media so My Honey and I decided to give it a try tonight.
It is just the craziest thing that I've ever seen.
It's a true story and I honestly don't think that anyone could have even dreamed up something so crazy.
Very entertaining.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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