Friday 27 March 2020

Family Full of Bakers (Mar.23, 2020)

Well it was back to work for me today.
Thankfully the commute was really great, took less than a minute to walk across the hall.
Working from home sure has it's perks!

My Honey was off today but he kept busy.
He made bagels from scratch.

Second batch is ready to go into the oven.

He even smoked salmon on the smoker so we could have it for the bagels.
It was kind of like bagels and lox with cream cheese, red onion and capers but then the smoked salmon instead of lox.

Someone used this shutter for thread storage and I think it is such a great idea.


BH sent me some pictures of her kitchen renovation.
They came on the weekend and installed her countertops.

She got the waterfall look on her island.
It's looking gorgeous.
They are getting there!

Our family messenger group was hopping today.
Everyone is stuck at home so everyone is baking.
CG, my cousin in PEI made bread and cinnamon rolls.

That bread looks delicious, bet her house smells good too.

My Auntie BA in NB made bread, bum buns and banana bread.
Wish I could be there and eat one of those bum buns right now!

I went down and got on the treadmill for a few minutes every hour again today until I got to the 10,000 steps.

The day kind of flew by and before you know it, it was time to hit the hay.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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