Wednesday 25 March 2020

Baby F - The Girl of Many Faces (Mar.18, 2020) keep

The Covid saga continues.
I'm starting to feel guilty for going in to work when I have the option to stay home.
I feel like I'm contributing to the spread somehow.
Then on the other hand though, I feel guilty for thinking about possibly working at home.
Like if work told me I had to, I would no problem but because they just gave me the option, I feel like I'm being a bad employee if I decide to.

We did lock the doors at the office today though, we are going to limit who can come in and out.
That's a good start.
I think that I'm going to give working from home a try on Friday and see how it goes.

Aside from all that, the day was good.
My Honey dropped me off in the morning so he could go put some gas in the truck.
Then he picked me up for lunch.

He made laksa with coconut milk.
Delicious soup.
I was falling asleep at lunch time so I decided to go have a bit of a nap.
I don't know why I've been so tired lately.

The nap helped a bit and I headed back to the office feeling a bit rested.
The afternoon flew by and before you know it, I was headed back home.

I was feeling super tired again but I needed to get some steps in so we went for a walk to the store to pick up a few things for mom.

We stopped by and visited at my sons for a bit.

We brought Baby F some cupcakes, she was really only interested in the icing and even that she lost interest in after a bite or two.

She & My Honey played with dolls.

They had a serious discussion.

She and My Honey played with the new blocks he bought for her.

She was running around and around, laughing and laughing.
Her little laugh is like music to my ears.

She got her coat on then decided that she wanted another cupcake.

She wanted to go for a little ride on her lion.

She gets very serious as soon as she gets on the lion.

Miss H put some transfers on the coffee table, it looks good.

She's got some looks this girl.

Those side eyes are the best.

Every thing is blue these days.

She even cracks herself up.

Funny girl.

My son is still in extreme worry mode about Covid 19.
He's got his hands raw and bleeding from cleaning them so much.
He had no hand sanitizer at work so he was using lysol wipes.
We have a giant bottle of hand sanitizer in the truck so we told him to take it.

He's reading so much stuff about it and I don't think it helps, but it's just taken over everything so it's hard to ignore.
I know when I start reading too much about it, I start to get scared too.
We should be diligent about trying to contain it but I don't think it helps to scare everyone.
That's just my humble opinion.

We walked back to the house and I had some hummus and crackers for supper before calling it a night.

My sister made 'weapon' holders for the boys.

As you can see they are totally into nerf guns and she made these awesome holders to house the all.

More sign of the time memes.

Best Thor ever!

I was really tired again so I was in bed right at 9pm sharp and it didn't take me long at all to fall asleep.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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