Saturday 21 March 2020

Savannah, Our Final Day (Feb.24, 2020)

Well it's our last day in Savannah.
It feels like it's gone by so fast, I wish we could stay longer but I've enjoyed it.

We had a food tour booked for 11 am today and the meeting spot was at a restaurant downtown so we walked over there from our hotel.

We had to walk right by this mural that I saw yesterday when we were on the trolley tour so I was able to get a better picture of it.

Our meeting spot was a this hotel, Andaz.

There was a hotel inside called 22SQ Restaurant.

Our guide (in the white jacket) reminded me a little of my friend PP.
She was very knowledgeable.

We had shrimp & grits there at our first stop.
I likely would never order shrimp & grits for a meal but it was good.

It was a pretty good sized group.

How is this our first time seeing the Visitor Information Center?

It was a little cooler out than yesterday but it was still nice.

First place we headed toward was City Market.

There is a big old clock there, I like it.

Our food tour group, we were lagging behind.

No idea why Marilyn is there?

There was a Prohibition Museum there in City Market and this was kind of an advertisement for it.
We never did have time to check it out though.

The streets of Savannah.

The next stop was very small inside and they were renovating too so our guide was explaining to us where she wanted us to go once we got inside.

Pie Society

This place is owned and operated by a mother and son who moved over here from England.

One of the ladies in this picture was the grandma/mom and it was her pie recipe they were using so this was kind of an homage to her.
I think the lady at the top in the center.

We actually saw this place yesterday but didn't come all the way in, guess we should have.

They had lots of pies to choose from.

We got to sample sausage rolls hot and fresh, right out of the oven.
They were really good.

Some of their pies.
Wish we had time to go back and sample more but we didn't.

Describes me to a Tee!

We passed by this pizza place that we'd seen on one of the vlogs we'd watched about Savannah.
We are going to try to come back later and give it a try.

What the heck is going on with the Bachelorette's that made the folks at Vinnie Van Go Go's feel that this sign was necessary I wonder?

A memorial to the soldiers of African descent.
I am just in awe of these trees!

So beautiful!

This is the side of the place we ate at yesterday, Belford's.
I love the building.

Another gorgeous tree!

Our next stop was a Scottish Pub, who would have thunk it?

Molly MacPherson's

It looked just like a pub inside.

The owner just happened to be there so he gave us a bit of history on the place.
He's very proud of it which is awesome.

We sampled the Sheppard's Pie which is not something I would ever think of ordering at a restaurant but it was actually very tasty and I would go there again if I had the chance just to have it.

There was a nice old fireplace inside that made the place feel kind of homey.

I liked the old picture they had above it too.

It was lunch time so there were a few folks around.

Off to our next destination, luckily we got to walk through a square to get there so I got to enjoy more of the fabulous trees.

This square had a fountain in the center of it.

This one had a monument.

This one just had gorgeous trees.

As we walked, our guide gave us some history and we got to take in the beautiful buildings.

Even the ones that weren't that interesting architecturally had details that made them interesting.

Kind of an unusual tree.

More pretty details.

More old buildings.

There wasn't really one style here, it was like a mix and match.
This reminds me of something you'd see in New Orleans.

The restaurant normally on the tour is renovating so we stopped at their sister spot, The Broughton Common.

I loved the tables.

The chef came out to talk about the food some to us - he was very proud of their product too.
It makes such a difference when you know the folks making the food are really invested and want you to enjoy yourself in their establishment and to like their food.

We tried Pork Belly on a honey doughnut and I think something like a bread pudding with a bourban caramel sauce or something like that.
Normally I find pork belly too fatty but I liked this.

I was digging the mural they had on the wall too.

Cute little place.

Parks and trees every where you go - so beautiful.

I know, you're probably tired of seeing trees, but I'm not!

Such a pretty house and they have such a pretty view.

All the old brick is so charming.

Our next stop was a place called Zunzi's.

It's just a little place with great food.
I got this blurb straight from their website:


Zunzi’s is a mixture of international cuisine that comes from Johnny and Gabriella’s very different cultural backgrounds. A combination of Swiss, Italian, South African and Dutch, Zunzi’s brings together flavors that are unique and delicious as well as always being fresh.

They are known for their delicious sandwich, the Conquistador.

French Bread, Chicken, Romaine Lettuce, Provolone, Tomato, Zunzi's Sauce, Zunzi's Dressing

It's the sauces that make it I think.

It was ranked #1 sandwich in Georgia, #2 in the States.
The number #1 sandwich is the roast pork sandwich with broccoli rabe at Tommy DiNic's in Philladelphia.
We've had the opportunity to try both and we both agree that the Conquistador is the best sandwich by far.

Here is a link to an article about it in case you are interested.

It doesn't even have an eat in kitchen, just a take out window with outdoor seating but it is absolutely a MUST TRY place.
I'm already wanting to go back to try it again.

We had one last spot on the tour and we headed over there.

Couldn't resist a few more tree pictures.

There was a huge rose bush in one of the parks/squares that we stopped in and their were roses blooming already,

Gorgeous house peeking through there.

Close up of the roses.

Just happened to notice they have Pandora products as we walked by.

We'll need to stop back here after so I can get myself a souvenir charm.

Our last stop.

Savannah Bee Company.

I like the bees on the door and how they made the window covering look like a honeycomb.

The place was filled with honey products that you could sample.

We tried these honey soaked pasty or dough balls.
I forget what they were actually called, they kind of reminded me of baklava, it was ok, not my thing.

We sampled some actual honeycomb with apple and blue cheese.

I would expect it to be waxy or something but it wasn't.

It was a huge place and they had different kinds of honey of course, but they had other products too, like candles, lotions and soaps.

They had this big bar area at the back.

They had this nice mural at the back of the store.

I also discovered this pretty mosaic on the floor.

I sample a bunch of their flavored honey's and I found that I really enjoyed the citrus one.
I also fell in love with the scent of this citrus hand lotion.
I bought myself a container of it because it smelled absolutely fantastic.

Our tour was finished at this point so we thanked our guide, tipped her and headed out.
We went next door and got a coffee then to the jewellery place so I could get a charm.

Then we kind of just went exploring.
These are the same kind of flowers we saw outside our hotel in Charleston, they are very pretty.

We decided we wanted to go the museum where they'd moved the Forrest Gump bench too so we headed in that direction.

I love the arched windows on this place.

We had  a bit of trouble trying to find the museum.
The google directions weren't the easiest to follow then there wasn't very good signage at the museum itself.
We saw the trolley's and thought we'd go in and ask where the museum was and it ended up actually being right in the building!
Turns out it was just right across the street from our hotel and we didn't even know.

Savannah History Museum.

There was an Oscar and a Grammy on display.
My first time seeing either one up close.

An old locomotive.

They used to use these in the rice fields.

Old dentist instruments.

Found it!

The bench used in the filming of Forrest Gump.

I guess it used to be in the park where the filming took place but they moved it into the museum because they were afraid it would go missing one day.

I like seeing the old clothing on display, like these uniforms.

A soldier's rations circa 1775.

There was a diorama of a war scene that was really cool, hard to take a picture of though.

There was an old car on display.

Some quilt pattern examples.

The train from the other side.

After the museum we decided to go to for something to eat.
We picked Little Duck Diner.
A gentleman on the food tour recommended it to us.

He is a pilot and he eats all over the place so we figured if he recommended it, there was a good chance that it was good.

It was one of those places that closes for a few hours in the afternoon so it was closed but reopening at 5 so we sat out on their patio and waited.
We only had 10 minutes to wait and it felt good to sit.

I love the glasses and I love it when I ask for water and I get a nice tall glass of freezing cold water filled with ice.

It had kind of that diner look but upscale.

Checking out the menu.

The pilot said he'd had the Bi Bim Bop bowl so that's what I tried.

It looked good but ended up being WAY too spicy for me so I couldn't eat it.
I was kind of disappointed.

We tried their biscuits, those were good.

My Honey had the shrimp and grits.
He said they were good.

Because I didn't really eat anything at the Little Duck Diner, we headed over to Vinnie Van Go Go's and each ordered a slice.
I got pepperoni and onions.

My Honey had sausage and jalapenos.
It was pretty good pizza.

From there we decided to just walk around and enjoy the nice evening and the lovely scenery on our last evening.

They had these cool doggie do containers throughout the park.
You step on the pedal to open it, drop your scooped poop in and that's it.
What an awesome idea.

We did notice that this is a very dog friendly city.

We passed by this home that had all these are pieces in the yard.

Very lovely looking house.

Even the fence was pretty.

The house was right next to a really large square/park.

It was lit up and this pathway led straight to a beautiful fountain.

Very pretty.

Fountain selfie.

This is looking back over at the gorgeous house with all the art in the yard.

Another pretty park, the fountain looked so nice all lit up and surrounded by all the trees.

A pretty church we passed.

Love the brick steps and entryway.

We made our way back to the hotel.
We had to change rooms because out toilet kept clogging up and they didn't have a maintenance person to fix it or any way to just get us a plunger?
Weird but whatever.

When we got to the room, we packed and got ready for our early morning flight.
It's been a great trip, I'm so glad we came.
I'd like to stay longer because I know we really just scratched the surface of what there is to see.
I'm sure one day we will return.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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