Saturday 21 March 2020

Back Home We Go (Feb.25, 2020)

Sadly our vacation has come to an end.
Even the weather was miserable, it was pouring out there when we woke up.
Makes it a bit easier to leave I guess than waking up to a beautiful, sunny day.

We got up at 3 and were in the car by 3:30 heading to the airport.
Our flight was leaving at 5:30 and we weren't sure how busy the airport would be so we wanted to be there early.

The Delta agents weren't even at the counter yet when we got there and it was close to 4:30 before they showed up.

That's what I call cutting it close but really, it was a breeze getting through security so it ended up being plenty of time.

Good bye Savannah!

I saw this in the bathrooms at the Savannah airport, I've never seen anything like it before.

We had a short flight over to Atlanta, less than an hour but over half of it was turbulence ridden and I was trying my best to stay calm but honestly, I was freaking out a little (a lot)!
We had a row to ourselves so that was nice and I was so happy when we touched down in Atlanta.
I wasn't sure how I was going to make it through two more flights if this was how they were going to be.

Our next flight was scheduled to start boarding within 10 minutes of our landing so we booted it over to our gate but we got there in time.
This time we were in a row with just two seats so it was just us in the row again which was nice.

There was turbulence but not as much as the first flight so that was good.

We had to go through customs in Toronto and then back through security which went pretty smoothly then we had about an hour to spare before our next flight was boarding so we went to Fionn McCool's which was right next to our gate for a bite to eat.
I had this Yorkshire pudding roll that had roast beef, mashed potatoes, horseradish and carrots in it.
They gave me au jus to dip it in.
It was weird but good.

My Honey had the sheppard's pie and that was good also.

We finished just in time as they started boarding when we were paying.

We were in the row right behind the 'first class' seating so we had lots of extra leg room which was lovely.
The flight over to Edmonton was nice and smooth so I was able to relax a little.
I even thought I was going to get some sleep but that didn't happen.
Instead I finished reading my book.

The Firelight Girls

It was a good read, made me want to go to summer camp!

I always hope our luggage is the first to come out on the belt so I was waiting prepared with my camera to document the moment if it happened, sadly it did not.
It has not happened yet ever.
One of these days though.
It was near the beginning though so it wasn't long before we had our luggage and were out of there.

It was a bit chilly out but sunny, not bad weather to return to.

We decided to stop at Fat Burger in Spruce Grove to have some supper before heading home.
I had a burger with deep fried pickles.

My Honey had a bacon burger with fries.

It was pretty darn good too.

We stopped at Walmart for a few supplies then headed home.

We saw a moose standing on the side of the highway but he was much faster than I was.
This was the best picture I could snap of him.

Heard a good old tune too.
It was close to 7 when we pulled into the driveway.

We unloaded the truck, then unpacked our suitcases.
The yellow welcome sign I picked up at Hobby Lobby had been broken in the flight.
Then I dropped one of the mermaid drawer pulls and broke that too.
What a bummer!!!

I put my new charms on my Pandora bracelet.

This is the one I got in Charleston - it is their state tree, the palmetto and a moon sliver.
It's the same picture they have on their licence plate.

I went with this one for Savannah because it will remind me of their big oak trees which was one of the things I loved most about the city.

I had to walk around a bit to make it to my 10,000 steps but I did it.

We were both really tired so we were in bed early.

I guess I must be getting old because this is me almost every single time we decide to watch a movie.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy.

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