Sunday 1 March 2020

Charleston/Savannah Trip Has Begun (Feb.19, 2020)

We were up and on the road by 5 am just like we wanted.
We booked with WestJet JetSet valet parking and we were able to check our suitcases right there at the Jetset building.

Security took no time at all so we had plenty of time to get some breakfast.

We picked the new Burger place in the airport and I had the breakfast poutine.
The fact that it had bacon is what sold me but when it came, there wasn't that much bacon to be found.
It was still good though.

My Honey had the breakfast sandwich.

Breakfast was good but the big smile is because we are heading out on an adventure.

Our flight left right on time, our first stop was Toronto.
We had a few hours so first thing we did was go grab some lunch at Urban Crave.

I had a virgin Caesar because I know I won't be able to have one once we get to our destination.
They aren't really often available in the US.

I had their version of a Cuban sandwich and I liked it.
It could have used more mayo, mustard & pickles and it wasn't pressed but aside from that, I enjoyed it.

My Honey had a noodle bowl.

After we ate, we spent the next hour walking back and forth in the terminal we were in so I could get to my 10,000 steps.

It took awhile but we did it and we were able to sit for a few minutes before they started boarding our next flight.

I had to ask for an extension for the seat belt on our second flight and I was mortified.
I HAVE to get my weight under control.

Our next stop was Atlanta, Georgia which turned out to be a huge airport but we had no time to check it out because we had to sprint to our next flight which was boarding within 10 minutes of our arrival.

Luckily there was a train that went between the terminals, we never would have made it if we'd had to walk.

There were huge escalators that went up and down from the trains which reminded me of the long ones in London.

Our last leg of the flight we had a row to ourselves.
I had the window but it was dark so I couldn't see anything anyway.
There was quite a bit of turbulence so I was extremely happy when we landed.

Made it to South Carolina.

Charleston to be exact.

We caught a cab to our hotel and after we checked in, we asked about nearby restaurants that might still be open.

The hotel clerk recommended Mellow Mushroom which was in walking distance so we headed over there.
She told us it was unseasonably cold for them but for us it was nice and mild out.

They had this cool mushroom guy out front.

They had a limited menu after midnight but at least the kitchen was still open and we were able to order something.
We had chicken wings, they were tasty.

We also ordered a pizza which is their specialty.
We couldn't order the loaded baked potato one that I wanted to try but the pepperoni one we were able to order was delicious.

My Honey ordered a sausage one and I liked it better than the pepperoni.
Both were very good.

I'm hoping we get back here sometime, if not this trip, maybe on another.

It was a funky spot, I quite liked it.

We walked back to the hotel and I noticed all the flowers in bloom.
Looks like spring has sprung here already.

We have a rental car booked for noon tomorrow and I'm looking forward to getting out to do some exploring.

That is all for today, until next time, be happy!

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